6. The girl next door.

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Thursday. Two days since the party at Jamie's which I've been avoiding the topic of every time it was brought up. Because I cringed every time the girls, especially Kassie, spoke about it.

'Where were you, Avi?'
'Why did you leave so early?'
'Did you and Jacob leave together?'

The never ending questions drove me nuts.

Ivy and Hazel were busy getting their nails done which wasn't my type of thing so I refused their invite.

I planned on spending the afternoon with Kassie anyways as we decided to take a long walk around the local area. She wanted to catch up with me and I wanted to look around the area because it really was beautiful. We both got what we wanted that way. We strolled through the streets nearby and it looked like everything in Hawaii was an attraction.

Hawaii was frustratingly gorgeous.

We saw a few friends of Kassie's on the journey who she introduced me to. One was Jon who I remembered mostly because he was cute as hell. He mentioned that he recently opened up a bar on the same street we were on and offered us to check out to which Kassie replied 'of course we'll drop by later'.

We continued walking as we visited many other shops,

"Oh I need flowers," Kassie's eyes widened as we nearly passed the flower shop.

We entered the shop,

"So how's Aunt Caroline?"

"Mum's fine, same old. I spoke to her today and she seems to be doing good." I replied.

"I'm glad she is, I knew she would be." she smiled, almost like it was a reassurance.

"Yeah I call her everyday, it's like she's the one that's on holiday."

"Is she getting better?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't she be?"

"No I was just asking. I mean, you don't mention her as much." She defended her curiosity.

A beautiful red coloured rose caught my eyes.

"Oh look," I quickly hurried over to the flower,

"It's so pretty, right Kassie?"

"Yeah it is but c'mon stop changing the subject. I haven't asked about your mum since you arrived because I wanted to give you some space. Just tell me the truth. You know, she's my family too." She completely threw me off.

"I know. And I'm...not doing it on purpose. I just don't want to talk about it." I sighed deeply.

"Well what's her condition like at the moment and what are the doctors saying?"

"Please can we talk about it later?" I pleaded then looked around the shop and smiled, "we're in a happy fresh environment, stop killing the moment." I tried to lighten up the mood.

"Oh my god, Avianna. Do you have to be such a difficult person to talk to?" she walked away to the other side of the isle.

I ignored what just happened and continued to look around the shop without talking to her and decided to buy three single red roses. For Ivy, Hazel and Kassie. Even if she was mad, it won't last. And hey, I could even give her the rose to make her talk to me again.

After I paid for mine, I waited for Kassie outside the shop because I saw that she was still indecisive on which flowers would best suit her house.

My eyes explored the busy street and I saw Jamie and Jacob entering a gift shop on the opposite side of the street. My eyes widened as I saw Jacob.

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