4. Karma's a bitch.

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11:45 am.

I was pulled out of bed and onto the floor by a pair of hands wrapped around my ankles.

"Pffft okay Ivy, get off me!" I groaned in annoyance, laying on the floor. I was not a morning person.

"Stop being lazy and get your ass off the floor." she offered her hands in attempt to help me back up but I pulled her down causing her to tumble over me.

She fell onto the floor making me laugh hysterically.

"Karma's a bitch." I said as I stood up making my way to the bathroom in my room.

I heard Ivy mumble a 'I hate you' behind me.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth then made sure to lock the bathroom door to start my shower. Knowing Ivy she would've pulled a prank on me and I'm not very fond of early morning pranks.

I came out after twenty minutes covering my body in a towel but Ivy wasn't there anymore. I smiled remembering how she fell.

I dried my hair and straightened it which wasn't necessary because the warm air made my hair wavy again. I hadn't unpacked yet because we arrived so early in the morning so I walked over to my suitcase to pick out my outfit for today. Today was an easy day, we wanted to start things off by staying on the beach. I pulled out a pair of blue denim shorts and a loose see through blouse which draped down my left shoulder revealing my back and bra strap. I didn't wear much make-up because I knew we would end up in the water. With the spell binding sea outside it would be impossible not to. It was nearly 1pm so I made my way downstairs.

The girls were already sitting around the table with food in the middle.

"Wow, Avi you're so early." Hazel sarcastically said.

I shrugged and rolled my eyes because that's what you do when people interrupt your sleep.

Moody? Yes. Who's fault? Theirs.

"Come and eat, early bird." Kassie nodded at me as she took a seat.

I sat down to eat some Kassie-made breakfast which included my favourite French toast.

"Not just a pretty face but someone who can cook a good breaky." Ivy said.

"My type of gal."

"More like Jamie's type of girl."

"Man, he's winning."

"He's winning...some damn good breakfast!"

We continued to joke about Kassie and Jamie which we would do all the time. She blushed a lot during them.

After a while we decided to get some air so we got out of the house and straight away I felt the sun rays hitting my body.

"Race yall, last one to the water has to wash dishes for a week." Kassie screamed running towards the beach with a cheat start.

"IVY!" we all shrieked out betting that she would be the one to lose.

We all caught on quickly and ran as fast as our bare feet could take us. Of course Kassie got to the water first; I was second, Hazel third and Ivy last. We told you.

We all splashed each other and yelled every time it hit us. The water was lukewarm due to the weather. I slowly made my way out of the water to dry myself. I still had my shorts and top on which was a bad idea because it felt like it was glued to my skin. I began to take my top off while turning around but stopped midway with my top nearly over my face. There was Jacob Hayes staring at me with his friends behind him as they all got ready to play volleyball, his eyes never leaving mine. I couldn't tell whether he was smirking or just staring because of the angle of the sun. I decided to leave my top on. I turned around, focusing my attention back onto the girls. I felt his eyes burning into my back, it knew it was him. Perv.

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