9. The tables have turned.

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My heart stopped. Then it beat again. Which brought me back to reality as Jacob shot daggers at me with his eyes. Behind him, I saw a look of fear and disbelief written on Jamie's and Kassie's face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Jacob loudly asked.

"I-I-I was just-" I stuttered in an nervous attempt to make up an believable excuse.

All three pair of eyes were on me and my breath hitched.

"I was just getting drinks for ever-"

"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" he suddenly interrupted me which made me shake.

"I swear I didn't hea-"

He interrupted again not taking anything I said into consideration. "who told you it was ok to eavesdrop on my shit?" he took a big step towards me and I took a step back.

"I swear I didn't hear anything." I lied.

"Don't you understand when you're not wanted? You don't have to know everything with your desperate attempts." he coldly sneered at me.

I didn't understand why he got so angry at me. Yes, I tried to eavesdrop on his conversation. But no, I didn't hear anything that made sense.

So in that case, I was innocent or so I thought.

I looked at Kassie for help and she spoke up, "she said she didn't hear anything."

Jacob kept his bold stare at me locked in, "you literally had your whole body against the door when I opened it and you're telling me you never heard anything at all?"

I shook my head to indicate that I never heard anything. I should probably stop lying. But I couldn't admit anything, I was too scared to.

He bitterly scoffed like he knew I lied, "you're a fucking liar. I don't want you in my business, which part of that don't you get?" he asked which apparently he didn't want answered as he continued, "just act like a good little girl and admit what you've heard."

I gulped, "Jacob, please-"

"For fucks sake, why can't you just do as you're told. You told me rudeness wasn't attractive, well neither is a lying nosey bitch." he shoved past me and left the kitchen. Jamie instantly followed him.

"Seriously, Avi?" Kassie approached me and shook her head.

"Why couldn't you defend me?" I hit back.

"Really? I tried but there's not much to defend when you practically had your whole body against the door and never do as you're told."

"You would've if it was Jamie" I truthfully said.

She broke our eye contact when I said that. I shouldn't have said that.

"I didn't mean that."

"Yeah, you did." she muttered as she walked past me in the same direction as Jamie and Jacob. Towards the entertainment room.

I looked back and heavily sighed. I messed everything up. I made Jacob and Kassie mad. Today definitely was a bad day.

After a few seconds, some loud voices erupted. I, curiously, ran to the source which was the entertainment room. I stood near the door and looked in.

"Jacob, calm down." Jamie kept a hold on Jacob.

Jacob whacked his arm out of Jamie's grip, "don't touch me, I'm leaving."

Ethan stood up, "woah what's going on?"

I looked around and hoped no one mentioned my name. Jacob stared at me then back at Ethan, "nothing man. I'm just done with everything."

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