Part 3

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*4 years later*
Little Jeremy was toddling around the house and I had to admit he was adorable. His eyes were a beautiful blue and he already has long black hair. I was sitting on their couch watching Jeremy when his mother plops down on the couch next to me. I probably shouldn't be interacting with them as much, people will think you're insane if you say you're friends with a ghost. She doesn't talk to me and just picks Jeremy up and he giggles. I smiled at him even though he can't see me.
"You're my special little boy Jeremy." His mom smiles as she pokes him causing a loud shriek like sound to come from the boy.
"Mommy that tickles!" I laughed and he looks over at me. But that's impossible, I'm invisible.
"What are you looking at?" His mom looked around and I silently stood. Jeremy's eyes followed me until I was out of the room. What the Hell just happened?

Someone enters my room and I look up to see little Jeremy. He's once more staring right at me. I'm kinda freaking out. Can he see me when I'm not visible? I wave and he smiles waving back. Well shit, how did this happen?
I wave him in and he slowly walks in.
"Hi Mr. Ghost." He smiles and sits on my bed with me.
"Hi Jeremy. My name's Jake."
"Well Jake why are you in our house?"
"It was my house before you came here."
Jeremy nods. "Then why are you still here?"
"I really don't know kid." I sigh and he opened his mouth but his father appears in the doorway.
"Me and your mother have been searching for you Jeremy."
"I was talking to Jake." Jeremy smiles up at me and I smiled back.
"You should go with your father Jeremy."
"But I wanna talk to you Jake!" Jeremy pouts and pulls on my arm. His father pulls him away quickly and shoots a weird look in my direction so i slam the door on his ass and heard them scurry off.
~Jeremy's POV~
Mommy and Daddy were out and left me with a babysitter so I snuck off to Jake's room to talk.
"Jake?" I knock on his door. It opens on its own so I walk in and it closed behind me. Jake appears in front of me and he looks upset.
"Jeremy what are doing in here? The babysitter is probably looking for you!"
"No she's asleep. I wanna talk to you. You're my only friend." He sighs and sits down on the floor. I got on his lap and he smiles ruffling my hair.
"You're lucky you're such a cutie." He tells me.
"I know. Why couldn't daddy see you?"
"He must not believe in ghosts."
"Why can I see you?"
"You're a child and kids believe in everything. I've been asking myself that same question." I nod and yawned. Jake holds me in his surprisingly warm arms. I rubbed my eyes and felt Jake stand up.
"I think its past someone's bedtime." Jake walks me to my room and places me in bed.
"Sweet dreams. Don't ever grow up Jeremy. It's lonely when no one can see you." He says sadly and closes the door. I promise you Jake I won't ever forget you.

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