Part 8

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Got idea from @Fallen_Angel1017 thanks again!
~Ashley's POV~
I've decided I'm gonna be stupid and see if its actually possible to bring back the dead. Only Jake knows what I'm doing and he told me I was stupid but I know he also is curious as to if it works. I'm sick of seeing Jake acting like a lovesick puppy around Jinxx and want to make him happy. So that's why I went to an antique store to see if they have any old books. Maybe some black magic.
"Hello miss how can help you?" An older lady asks me and I cleared my throat.
"I'm a guy, with all due respect ma'am."  She puts on her glasses and laughs at herself.
"Oh I guess you are. Sorry sweetie."
"Do you have any old books?" She points me to the back and I looked through them all before bingo! A hefty black magic book. I took it to the front and paid $20 for it and quickly went to my house. I sat on my bedroom floor and flipped through the pages till I happen about bringing back the dead. Perfect. I read it and fuck!
Step 1: locate corpse of person you want to bring back. Alright, I've watched Supernatural. I think I can handle this. Wait he was killed 14 years ago. FUCK! So he's definitely already buried somewhere, but where? And how long does it take a human body to decay? Hopefully a long ass time. Longer then 14 years. I could get in so much trouble for this. Isn't there some rule against grave robbing? Does Jake know where he's buried? How far is he willing to go for love? Funny I'm doing anything for love that's not even for me. What if the others find out and try to stop me? What if they hate me? Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. I'm driving myself insane with all these what ifs. I packed the book in a bag and ran to Jinxx's house. I have to tell them anyways. They are my friends.
"Hey Purdyboy what's in the bag?" Andy asks.
"Black magic book." I state plainly and Andy just says oh.
"Where's Jinxx?"
"In his room. Want me to go get him?" Andy gets up and walks towards the stairs.
"No!...I mean this is for him so I'd rather not tell him."
"Where's CC?" I was trying to catch my breath still cause that was a good three mile run from my house to here.
"Ashley what's going on with you lately?"
"You know this house is "haunted" right?"
"Yeah. And it hates us."
"Not necessarily-"
"Not necessarily?! It tried to fucking kill me! It's been toying with us since we got here!"
"Calm down drama queen."
"Alright so whatever you're doing with black magic i want in."
"Alright. I need to talk to Jake first. JAKE!" I yelled out and he appears.
"You called?"
"Where are you buried?"
"In the local cemetery. Just look for the name Pitts." He looks like he just got an idea. "Hey can you bring back two people?"
"It's probably best not to have two dead guys walking around. It's a small town so they'll know you."
"Right. Yeah, of course." He looks really upset and I frowned.
"Is there any laws against grave robbers?"
"No. That I know of."
"Alright. C'mon Andy. Let's go dig up Jake." Andy nods and we set off.

"This is taking forever." Andy whines while we dug.
"Well we're digging a six foot hole so-" CLANK! The sound of metal hitting a casket cut us off and we both knelt down and pried open the casket.
"Oh hey he doesn't look so bad for a dead guy."
"You know what I mean." I took off my backpack and opened the book. After following all the steps someone gasps.
"Andy was that you?"
"Nop-...holy God. Hey it worked." I put the book up and watched Jake look at both of us before sitting up.
"These things are not as comfortable as they look." This is sooooo beyond normal. I just watched a dead guy come back to life and I still don't believe it. Well I guess that's black magic for ya. I poked Jake and he sighs.
"Can a dead guy not come back to life without someone doing the whole are they real bullshit?" He crosses his arms and I was at a loss for words.
"Hey don't get snippy with us Pitts while we have a black magic book." Jake puts his hands up and we all climbed out of the hole.
"Now how's Jinxx gonna react?" Andy mutters and Jake turns a very dark red and bites his lip.
"You like him don't you?"
"Didn't I tell you?" I say and Andy shakes his head.
"Oh I thought I did."
"Can we go now, I'm starving."
"First. Let's go to Andy's house and not tell Jinxx just yet, all in favor?" We all raised our hand and made the trek back to Andy's house.
"Alright Jake what do you want to eat?" Andy opens his fridge and Jake lists about 20 different things. Well when you haven't eaten in 14 years.......
After he ate everything, we all went up to Andy's room and Jake crashes.
"Yes Ash?"
"........Jake's alive. That shouldn't be happening right now. We just broke some laws of nature." I looked over at Jake sleeping on Andy's bed.
"I know but we're doing this for Jinxx and Jake. Not to mention the fact that Jake's probably really happy to be alive again."
"Yeah but-"
"Stop worrying Ashley. It'll be fine okay?" He looks over at me and I sighed.
"Great now get some sleep. It's been a crazy day." He gets situated on the floor and goes to sleep.
That's an understatement.

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