Part 6

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~Jake's POV~
I'm in a particularly bitchy mood today so why not raise a little Hell on his friends? Just cause me and Ashley talked and I told him the sob story doesn't mean he's safe. So when Andy went to go turn the water on i made the sink explode and soaked him in water. He shrieks and and Jeremy came running. Just as quickly as I made it explode I fixed it.
"Where the fuck did all this water come from?! And why are you soaked?"
"Dude you're sink just exploded on me!" Andy pushes his wet hair from his face. Jeremy knelt under it and examines the pipes.
"Looks fine to me." Andy huffs and Jeremy said he could use their shower. He storms off and Jeremy glares at me.
"What the fuck Jake?" He scowls and walks off. I just shrugged and went to the bathroom that Andy was in. He shrieks again when I made the water freezing and when he got out I threw the brush I was holding at his head. He ducks and it cracks the mirror. Damnit so close.
"JINXX YOU'RE HOUSE IS TRYING TO KILL ME!" I smirked and left, my work here done. After making CC burn some of his hair off with a straighter mishap and stabbing his eye with eyeliner, I went to go have fun with Ashley. He was on his laptop so I was gonna throw water on it when i saw what he was looking at and sighed.
"What's dead should stay dead idiot. I can't believe you're that stupid to try something like this." Ashley slams his laptop and storms off. What the Hell was he thinking?

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