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(These characters are the property of Disney and Square Enix I hold no ownership on the characters of this book. Also this is my first Fan-fiction so hope it's satisfying. ;))

Sora laughs as he feels his stomach flip as he jumps off a ledge next to his brother, Roxas. As they race on their skateboards to get some ice cream for the day.
Roxas, on the other hand, blocks Sora from advancing in front of him as they skate down the largest hill in town.
"Hey Roxas what do you think we'll see today?"
Roxas mumbles and tries to hide as he blushes a little. "I'll see Namine..." Sora advances to glide next to his twin brother he began to feel butterflies in his stomach he liked Kairi and she should be there today as well. He wasn't as open about it as Roxas thought.
"What did you say?" Sora asks as Roxas grinds his skateboard on a downward ledge clearly trying to avoid what just slipped out.

"Oh, I didn't Say anything Sora." Sora looks at Roxas with a questioning face knowing full well what he just said. They bottom out at the end of their free ride when Sora began to think about how Roxas has been acting lately and read a little too much into his personal life.
"You're thinking of Namine!" Sora teases. Roxas turns as red as a tomato with his jaw dropped knowing Sora was right on the matter,
"whe-..." Roxas gets off his skateboard and wags his finger at his brother. "Well, you like Kairi, what's wrong with liking Namine?"
Both of the boys slide on their skateboard stopping in the middle of the streets. Sora then places his hand on Roxas's shoulder in reassurance. "Well, haven't you noticed that she's kinda... uh, what's the word I'm looking for? Oh yeah, quiet. and you, my brother, are not."
"Roxas, I do like Kairi, but you are terrible at hiding things and I just wanted to hear you say 'I'll see Namine' again. It's hilarious to see you swooning over a girl."
Roxas punches Sora in the arm frustrated in the matter that Sora was being a complete troll at the moment.
"Quit talking about Namine." Roxas says in a low tone through gritted teeth.
Sora and Roxas hop on their skateboards once more and begin to roll towards the clock tower in the center of town. Sora speeds ahead of his brother
"Roxas and Namine sittin in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Roxas speeds up to try and silence his brother. "SORA!"
Then he stops Sora by stepping on the back of his skateboard causing them both to tumble down the stairs "Ahhhh!"
The blue and white skateboards tumble after them easily sliding on their tops.
Roxas grabs the back of his head regretting what he just did. Sora stands up and lends a hand out to his brother to help him up.

"Thanks, bro." Roxas takes his hand and the twins dust off to look semi-presentable once more.
"Sora are we done here?" Sora wipes the dust off his pants then looks up with his ever messy brown hair and aqua eyes. Sorra feels a slight stinging on his face and elbow he hoped they wouldn't get infected. "Yeah, let's go home. I have a scrape on my face and elbow I think they should be cleaned up."
Roxas looks at his brother's scrape on his chin, it was already looking rather red from the cake of dirt and tiny gravel bits.
Sora and Roxas grab their skateboards to head towards their house.
Roxas burps, Sora scoots his skateboard away from his brother in disgust
Roxas holds out his hands in question, "what?" he says as he laughs nervously. 

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