Chapter 1

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It is the first day of summer vacation for the boys, Donald and Goofy wanted to take them to the Islands they were born on. Sora and Roxas decided to meet their friends at the clocktower that night. Kairi, Olette, and Namine were having a girly conversation while Axel , Hayner, Riku, and Pence were in a deep conversation about the worlds. Sora and Roxas hops off their skateboard. Roxas crosses his arms, Sora places his hand behind his head "Hi guys!" Axel looks over at the brothers,"well it's about time you twins got here." Roxas walks over to the group "Hey Namine, Kairi and Sora do you want to help get icecream?" Sora runs over by Roxas' side "yeah icecream would be a great idea." The nine kids gather into a circle and hand their munny over to Sora. "Okay we'll be back with the icecream we'll meet you at the top."
Axle walls twards the clocktower. "Oooh a double date!" Roxas turns around. "What did you say Axle?" Namime,Sora and Kairi kept walking in front of Roxas "Hey, Axel you better....." a soft hand touches Roxas' arm. He turns around to see Namine by his side. "C'mon Roxas lets go get the icecream for everyone." Sora whispers somthing in Kairi's ear she began to snicker. "C'mom you two." Roxas catches up with namine at his side. Sora walks next to Roxas and puts a hand up to whisper. "Smooth move Roxas." The girls were in another deep conversation about chlothes. Roxas puts his hand up. "Uh thanks but not as smooth as yours."
Heyner,Axel, Olette, Pence, and Riku found a place a the clock tower top waiting for the others to return. Axel croutches at the edge of the tower. "Do you think they ditched us theyre probably kissing right now." Then He makes fun of them saying in a girly voice. "Oh Roxas I think I love you." He holds out his arms in a hugging position "mwooa mwooa!" Everyone smiles and began to laugh except Olette. She shrugs her shoulders, "so what if Sora and Roxas like Namine and Kairi, it's none of our buisness Axel." Pence nodds his head "I agree." Riku nodds his head. "I also agree with Olette." Hayner points off the top of the clocktower. "Look here they come!"
Later on:
Everyone adjusts to a comfortable spot on the clocktower eating their ice cream in silent. "Hey I hope you know that the rest of the summmer Roxas and I will be gone for vacation. So this is the last day for a while."
Riku puts his ice cream down."Well it's nice to know now!" Sora playfully punches Riku in the arm. Riku laughs as they get into a punchies contest. Everyone watched as they punched echother when they heard goofy's voice from the bottom of the clock tower. "Sora! Roxas! Time to go!" Pence looks down at the ground at goofy. "Well I guess you have to go ." All the kids get off the tower meeting Goofy at the bottom. Hayner announces. "Hey everyone group hug!" They come in for a group hug pushi g Roxas and Sora in the middle crushing them both. "Oww you guys are crushing me." Sora yells trying to wriggle out. "Alright guys Roxas and Sora have to go. " Goofy waves his hand at the group. The twins make their way over to Goofy and walk away.
Meanwhile at the clock tower:
"Hey Olette, Namine do you want to come over for a slumber party?" Olette and Namine both look at echother then at Kairi. In sync they said "alright."
" Then lets go get some overnight chlothes Olette." Namime then turns to Kairi. "Be there shortly." All the girls split up running twards their houses to gather chlothes. Leaving the boys behind.

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