Chapter 11

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Oblivion Library Courtyard:
"Okay Roxas keep your eyes closed." She opens the door to lead him into a small bench with a fountian nearby, sitting underneath an arched, white trellis covered in pink tea roses, with bushes shaped like books with a stone walkway leading to a small koi pond filled with lilly flowers. Namine sits Roxas down on a bench then she sits down next to him. "Namine can I open my eyes yet?" Namine chuckles a little. "Go ahead open your eyes." 
He opens his eyes. "Wow Namine it's...." he looks at her, stunned by her beauty around the delicate tea roses, "beautiful." He leans close to her face to feel her breath on his face and kisses Namine. Roxas pulls away to grab a tea rose and place it in her hair. He hears the squeak of the door, the librarian walks out. "Students there was a fight in the cafeteria cutting lunch short so everyone has to go to class now."
Namine gets up and grabs her green tote bag. Roxas stands up and pulls a paper out of his pocket. "I have to get to math class Namine I will see you soon." Namine pulls the rose our of her hair and smiles "alright Roxy see you soon."
(Authors note: I want you to know that math class is actually Algebra class when I am at school I call algebra, math class because its the first thing that comes to mind with me.)
Math class:
Sora takes a seat in math class with Roxas following shortly behind. Roxas takes a seat next to Sora. He leans over "hey Sora I..." Sora turns to face Roxas "Where were you at lunch it seems as if you dissapeared."
"I was in the Library eating lunch with Namine." Sora crosses his arms. "What happened to pals before gals?"
Roxas rolls his eyes. "All that has changed since we have a sister now Sora Hearts."  Sora pulls a pencil out of his bag. A shadow moves across the board shortly appearing afterwards is a red heartless symbol. Roxas smacks his forehead "oh great." Mr.Saix walks in the classroom and closes the door. "Alright lets get started with somthing simple today class." He looks at the dry erase board Mr.Saix raises his eyebrows "who did this?" The class kept their mouths shut "Mr. Saix it was a heartless." Everyone looks at Sora "it was a heartless I saw it too." Then they look at Roxas. Mr. Saix raises an eyebrow, sits on his desk, then crosses his arms. "A heartless you say huh?" Mr.Saix shrugs then erases the symbol off the board. "Now class did it look like a black shadow moving across the board?" The whole class nodds. "Nobody was hurt, and you two, don't ever make excuses in my class again!" He points at the twins. "My eyes are on you two for the rest of the year." Roxas and Sora sit stiff in their seats, eyes wide with fright.
English class:
Xion didn't want anyone to mess with her after her lunch was cut short. She decided to take a seat at the back of class so she would not be noticed. Her stomach cried for more food because she did not eat enough. "Shut up stomach."  Mr.Luxord takes a seat in his chair "Class pull out your text books and flip to page 358. We will be reading a story called Hercules a young Hero." Xion flops her text book out onto her desk and mumbles. "Yeah I really meant Hercules he is nothing like in the book." She looks up at the teacher hoping that he did not hear her.
"Alright class I will begin reading; Hercules a young Hero By: Walter Disney"
The class reads half way into the first chapter until the bell rang. Xion sighs in relief "finally."
Principal's office:
Mintaki and Axel gave echother death glares not looking at the principal,  "You two have been getting in at least one fight every year in my school, I don't want you to fight any longer is that clear?" Axel and Mintaki mumble somthing. Mr.Xemnas pounds his fist on the desk. "IS THAT CLEAR?!" the two students jump out of their chairs loosing their staring contest. "yes sir!" They reply. The principal relaxes a little "good now Mintaki you have a week of detention for picking a fight and Axel you have three hours detention for catching his hair on fire." Axel crosses his arms and slumps down in his chair. "Okay." Mr. Xemnas points at the door "you have detention tomorrow,now get to class." The boys get up and move out the door.
Mr.Xemnas smiles "all according to plan." He turns his chair around and moves the school flag away to reveal a secret door. He walks in the door deep down into the depths of the school. There sat many pods some empty some holding people. He walks up to a pod and wipes the frost off, inside is himself. "My plan is working, the Hearts brothers will never suspect a thing"

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