Chapter 4

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Kairi's House (More like Twilight Mall):
Namine, Kairi, and Olette stumble across the first shop called Trendy Hearts.
They walk in, Namine instantly heads over to the dresses section with Olette and Kairi following. Searching rack after rack Namime found something she might buy. "Hey Olette, Kairi look at this dress." It was a strapless light purple dress with a dark purple ribboon bows sewn on one side and a knee length skirt bottom filled with tiny pleats. Kairi points at the dress "That will certianly get him to notice." Olette jumps "You so need to try that on Namine."
Namime looks at the dress then smiles "Okay." She walks to the dressing room. "I'll be out in a moment." Kairi grabs a light blue dress that had one strap draping to a side with a short long bottom and a brown braided belt."How will this look on me Olette?" Olette dug through the rack for her self. "Yeah that will look nice go try it on."
"Alright see you in a minute." Olette looks over to see Kairi's back running to a dressing room. Olette pulls out a orange dress that fades into white near the bottom with elbow length sleeves and a knee length skirt. "Ooh I like this one." Olette runs to the dressing room.
Axel's House:
The party drew near to an end and Birth by sleep was playing a slow song, Riku was pased out on the punch table, Hayner was toying with the lights, and Axel was talking to some girls showing off some fire tricks.
"Hey ladies want to see my hair on fire." One of them smiles. "Ok say hellow to Mr. Hot-head." He closes his eyes then opens them his hair is replaced with fire. Some of the girls snicker some smile.
Pence's house:
Pence is sitting at the dining room table while his five sibling make mayhemaround the house. He takes a bite of his cereal."Man this blows." His little sister annoyingly tugs on his shirt sleeve. "Pency!Pency!Pency!" He stops eating his cereal and just lays his head on the table.
Destiny Islands:
Sora stands up and paces in the sand. "I just can't believe we have a sister Roxas." Roxas circles the girl. "Whats your name and how old are you?" Sora stops pacing and looks ar Roxas. "My name is Xion and I'm 15 years old."
Sora looks at Roxas then at Xion. "Wait does that mean we're not twins but..."
"Triplets? Yes..." Xion sits down and pats the ground for the other two to join her. "Well I was raised by the queen, our parents wanted to seperate us to keep us safe. There obiously was a reason for our seperation and when Queen Minnie told me about you, I wanted to find you. I'm suprized your caretakers didn't tell you about me. " Sora and Roxas gave echother the same expression then looked at Xion. "Also my hair is not naturally black I did it so nobody could recongnize me." Sora walked over to Xion and croutched down then looked back at Roxas. "Roxas I believe.... she is our sister." Roxas grits his teeth. "Sora we forgot about our game of Unlockies!"
Roxas runs along the beach twards his skateboard leaving Xion and Sora behind. "Well Xion I guess your coming home with us, c'mon" Sora lends a hand out to his sister, he yanks her up off the ground. "Sora I hope you know I can take care of my self." Sora walks along the beach. "I know, but now I have a sister to look after."
Twilight Mall:
Kairi, Namine, and Olette emerge from Trendy Hearts all with dresses they like. "What are we going to tell the boys when we wear these dresses?" Kairi and Olette look at Namine. Kairi thrashes her hand infront of her waving it in circles. "We'll just tell them that we were bored without them, so we had a shopping trip." Olette looks at the sky her cheeks turn pink. "What are we going to do whe we get to Kairi's place?" They all look ahead. "Hmmmmmm" They said in unison.
Axel's house:
The band began packing up Hayner has his head rested on the lights "bye bye birth by sleep" he said lazily waving a hand goodbye. Axel is Curled up on the floor with a black trench coat draped over him. Riku was still crashed out on the punch table. As birth by sleep left the place Hayner hit the off switch to the lights making it go completely dark.
Destiny Islands:
Roxas, Sora and Xion come near their summer home. Sora yawns "ugh it's getting late. Alright Roxas lets play our game of unlockies then we'll go to bed." All three of them walk in to find Donald and Goofy sitting at the table reading books. Donald and Goofy put down their books watching the three walk in. "Where have you been you were supposed to be back an hour ago." Sora puts his hands on his head, Roxas crosses his arms, and Xion puts her hands on her hips. "Oh well Sora and I were just uh... uh..." sora pipes up "catching up with little sis thats all." Xion looks at Sora "I'm not little we're the same height." All three look at Donald and Goofy with a questioning face. Donald and Goofy's jaws dropped. Donald walks up to the three. "Xion is that you?" Xion smiles a little then points at her self. "Yup it's me i'm all here."
Goofy steps near the door. "Well you kids come sit on the coutch. we'll be back."
All three sit on the coutch. Sora looks over at Roxas. "Well I gues we're playing a game of unlockies tomorrow then."
Xion shakes her head then flops her arms at her sides. "What is unblockies anyway?" Sora corrects Xion"its Un-lock-ies. " Xion rolls her eyes. Roxas leands his head on the side of the coutch."Xion unlockies is a game where we take 13 locks and have Donald and Goofy hide them around the house while we go outside for a while and when we come back, we use our keyblades to unlock as many locks as possible and the winner with the most locks, gets whatever we were fighting over." Xion nodds her head "so could I play this game with you?" Sora and Roxas both look over at echother."No!" Sora looks out the window. "You see Xion, this one game of unlockies is for the top bunk bed in mine and Roxas' room. Thats why you can't play, but maybe next time."
Xion gets up off the coutch. "I'm really thirsty for some juice or water or coffee.I'm going to look around in the Kitchen." Sora and Roxas look at echother then at Xion. "Alrighty then help your self." Roxas waves his hand at the kitchen. Sora gives Roxas a menacing glare then punches him in the arm. "Oww!" Then smiles at him.
Roxas punchss Sora back in the arm. They begin to laugh getting into a huge wrestling match on the floor of the house." Haha Roxas I've got you pinned on the ground give up yet?" Xion walks back into the living room. "What happened here?" Roxas yells under the weight of Sora. "Twins Wrestling match for top bunk of the night." Sora pinches Roxas in the arm. "Oww I mean I mean Triplets wrestling match!"
Sora and Roxas get it figured out while Xion lounges in a nearby chair. "Hey bros?I'm going to get a skateboard tomorrow."
Sora and Roxas perk up "cool!" They reply at the same time.

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