Chapter 10

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Oblivion High (the gym):
Sora, Xion, and Roxas arrive in the gym most of the school is already seated some kids still finding places to sit. Roxas spots, Namine,Axel, Riku, and Kairi in a group near the edge top. Namine points at the three, "hey up here!" She waves her arms in a sea of black coats. Roxas runs up the bleacher stairs, with Xion lumbering up Sora following boom! Xion turns around to see Sora has fallen. Xion walks down the bleachers to help Sora up. Part of the school stares at Sora. "Thanks sis." The two make their way up to the group Roxas and Namine sitting close to echother holding hands. Sora takes a seat by Kairi. Kairi leans over to whisper in Sora's ear. "What happened? Are you okay?" Sora looks at Kairi. "Yeah i'm fin I just tripped on my uniform it's too long." The teachers walk in to greet the school. Principal Xemnas steps up to a podium. "Tap tap tap ring!" The principal clears his throat. "Welcome students to Oblivion High.I would like to make an announcemet to all the new students here. I'fyou'r anew student raise your hand." About half the school raised their hands. "Alright then." He looks in Xion,Sora and Roxas'direction and squints his eyes hen to the rest of the crowd. Sora "what was that about" he whispers in Kairi's direction."I am sorry about the fire this past year it has devastated everyone, don't worry everyone is safe here." He smiles with a strange glare. "and now I'd like to inroduce your teachers." He waves his hand at a door and sevreal teachers walk in the doors with hoods on their heads. "Lets start with a little floral design and Drama here with Mr.Marluxia!" The teacher pulls off his hood revealing his pink hair and a rose bush out of thin air.. "The next Teacher is as Tough as nails our weapons Techer Ms. Larxene!" Larxene pulls her hood off revealing her face and pulls out her swords to do a little pose with a smile. "Our next teacher is relaxed and composed, our music teacher Mr.Demyx!" He pulls his hood off to show his Mr. Demyx summons a sitar begins playing it sending music notes dancing across the gym floor. "Our next teacher who loves to experiment and scincy stuff Mr.Vexen!" The teacher reveals his face, has long blonde hair. Takes a test tube and dumps it in another creating smoke that sprays everywhere. "Our next teacher loves peace and quiet to read our librarian Mr.Zexion." he pulls out a blue book and sends pages flying everywhere the school oohs and awes and claps. The librarian bows and walks twards the other teachers."Our next teacher He hs and eyepatch and likes to Run our P.E.teacher Mr. Xigbar!" Mr. Xigbar took his hood off revealing his eyepatch he blows a silver whistle then runs around."okay and our important teachers of English, Math and History! Mr. Luxord English! Mr.Saix, Math! And Mr.Lexaus History!" The three remove their hoods when their names were called." That is all our teachers!" The students stand and clap cheering woos and yeahs. The doors slam open a person in a black coat with a hood on storms in. "You forgot about me Xemnas!"
Principal Xemnas smiles. "Yes and our school chef Mr. Xaldin." Xaldin walks over to the podium and yells" lunch Is ready!" The students get up in a kaotic way moving twards the door Sora gets caught in the rush of students getting seperated from the others."Xion! Roxas! " Roxas jumps among the crowd. "Keep moving we'll meet somewhere!"
Oblivion cafeteria:
The students file into the cafeteria twards a long salad bar a voice repeats todays lunch. Sora grabs a grey tray. "Lasagna today huh?" Mr . Xaldin stood idly slaping lasagna onto passing trays. Sora passes a crate of papu juice boxes "my favorite juice." He grabs two boxes then walks around to look for the group. Sora finds Kairi, Riku and, Axel sitting by a window. Sora takes a seat then looks around "Hey have you seen my sister or my brother?" Out of nowhere Xion slaps her tray down next to Axel causing him to squirt some juice on himself. "Hahaha!" Kairi covers her mouth while Sora busts out laughing. Xion begins cutting her lasagna."hey have you sen Roxas at all?"
Everyone looks at echother then at Xion. Axel puts a hand on Xion's shoulder "thats whet we have been trying to figure out. Xion slaps Axel "don't ever toutch me!" Axel puts his hands up "fiesty much?"
Meanwhile in the Library:
Roxas sat alone in the library waiting for Namine to show. He picks up a book about different types of keyblades. Namine slaps down her green tote bag on the table. Mr. Zexion looks up and hushs them "shhhhh!"
Roxas' face turns pink "you made it." She smiles and pulls out her lunch. "Only for you." She hands Roxas half her sandwich. "It's so peaceful here in the library I am glad I got to spend this time with you Roxas.Namine looks at her sleeves of her coat. "These sleeves are too long." She rolls them up to expose her hands better."There much better."
Roxas grabs two slices of papu fruit and eats it. Namine smiles Roxas wipes his mouth with his coat sleeve. "What?" "Namine I got you somthing from Destiny Islands. " Roxas reaches into his pocket to pull out a beautiful white seashell with light pink stripes on it and a ribbon connected on it turning it into a necklace. She gasps "it's beautiful how did you sneak it past your brother?" Roxas shrugs oh I have ways.
Roxas is running down the streets in the middle of the night. The night of the day they found Xion. He comes across a store called she sells n' things. He walks around "I got to find somthing for Namine." He picks up the necklace. "This will be perfect."
End flashback:
"Roxas your so funny." Namine moves her hand over top of Roxas' hand. Roxas picks up Namine's hand and places the seashell necklace in it then he turns her hand over and kisses it ever so gently. "I love you Namine."
Namine smiles. She moves around the table to sit next to Roxas. "Roxas what is bothering you?" Roxas leans on the table. "Well, I have two siblings I need to look after and Sora,Xion and I need to look for Donald and Goofy still." Namime strokes her fingers through his hair. "Roxas everything will get better." She rubs his shoulder and smiles. "Thanks Namine." He reaches out to toutch her cheek Namine rests her head in his hand. "Oh Roxas I have somthing to show you" they gather their things and Namine drags Roxas away.
Oblivion Cafeteria:
Sora looks at his schedule "well we skiped out on a couple of classes because of the assembly which puts me in Math class. I wonder If Roxas is in Math then I could talk to him." Riku takes a sip of his juice. "You said the teachers are scary Axel, the teachers are not that scary." Sora looks around. "Have you guys seen Hayner,Pence or Olette at all?" Riku, Axel, and Kairi look at echother. "Yeah uh they are well homeschooled now they didn't have enough munny to come to this school sadly." Kairi announces scratching her head. "So we won't be seeing them as often as we used to?" Riku nodds his head. "Thats exactly what it means."
A hand slaps down at the end of the table all four jump in their seats. "My name is Mintaki and you're sittin in meh table area." Axel rolls his eyes "Mintaki remember last time you tried to pick a fight with me?" Axel snaps his fingers making a little flame on his finger. "Why join us then?" Sora points at a seat. "Now hold on Sora this boy is the most ignorant, evil little boy you will ever meet." Everyone stares at Axel. "Axel!" The three scream. Mintaki launches himself accross the table tackling Axel to the ground. "Don't make me bring out my secet weapon Mintaki!" Both boys stand up Mintaki's light green hair ruffles as he rubs it. Mintaki then throws the first punch at Axels face but Axel blocks it with his forearm. The cafeteria turned into a huge brawling arena full of trash talk, bets, and fights. Axel backs up his fists raised in the air "cmon pretty boy can't keep up?" Mintaki kicks at Axel Axel grabs his leg and swings him into a table. Axel claps his hands making a fireball in it then throws it at Mintaki landing it in his hair. Mintaki runs off twards the bathroom "ahhhh my hair!!not again!!!" Mr. Xaldin walks out of the kitchen after cleaning up he sees the mass of students. "Riku you would think that Mr.Xaldin would notice the fight." Riku turns to Sora. "I wonder where that scary lunch man is anyway."
A loud clinking sound came above the cafeteria the students drop what they were doing "thats Enough! I want all students to go to their classes...." everyone in the cafeteria shifts a little bit. "NOW!" The students pick up the pace and empty out the cafeteria. The intercom came on " hello this is your principal and I would like Mintaki and Axel to report to my office imediately." Axel wipes off his coat and dissapears Kairi comes out of nowhere and taps Sora and Riku on the back. "Hey boys looks like Axel and Mintaki are in a heap of darkness."
Sora looks over his shoulder. "Yeah they're in so much trouble."

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