Chapter Three

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Brett laid her book down in her lap and looked out at the waves. She chuckled; she couldn't believe Mike had brought his surfboard. He wanted so badly to be good at surfing, but he just wasn't. It was probably the only thing Brett knew of that he wasn't good at, but he wasn't. On the plus side, he was kind of adorable when he tried. Brett watched as he fell from his board time and time again, and he finally headed back up to the beach. He leaned down and kissed Brett before flopping onto the towel beside her. Brett giggled at him. "Finally giving up?" Mike widened his eyes. "Oh, never. I just thought I'd come check in on you." Brett smiled. "I'm doing pretty great. Sitting on a beautiful beach with a handsome fella." Mike sat up and wrapped his arm around her. "Yeah, I could get used to this." Brett laughed. "But I guess we'll be back at Graceland for the long haul this time two days from now." Mike laughed uncomfortably. "Yeah, I guess so."

Brett turned to look at him. "You okay?" Mike forced a smile. "Oh, yeah. Just thinking about how I don't want to go back." Brett smiled faintly and leaned her head on his shoulder. "We'll just have to make the best of our time here." She sat back up. "Today's been great, but we have been out here all day. I'm starting to get a little tired. I was thinking we can go back in a little while to get cleaned up, and then I'll make dinner for us?" Mike smiled, "Yeah, that sounds perfect." Brett kissed him on the cheek. "This weekend really has been so great." Mike nudged her teasingly, "Hey, we've only been here one day. We have a whole other day to go! It's not over yet!" He winked at her. Brett giggled, "I'm just saying it's been a fantastic day." She playfully leaned on him. "Slept in late, had a nice breakfast, spent the whole day relaxing with my favorite guy. Thank you again for all of this." Mike laughed. "Would you stop thanking me? It's the least I could do. You've been my rock since I've been at Graceland."

Brett smiled. "You're lucky you're better at compliments that you are at surfing." Mike gawked at her, "I can't believe you said that!" Brett covered her mouth. Mike propped himself up on his feet. "I'm going to get you for that one!" Brett let out a playful scream and took off back towards the house. Mike smiled after her for a moment before grabbing the towel and taking off running after her. Mike knew it deep down. In a different life, he could have easily spent the rest of his days chasing after her.

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