Chapter Ten

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Brett stood looking around her room. The walls were blank, and all of her things had been moved out. This was the hardest thing Brett had ever had to do, but the thought of staying here was unbearable. She spent the days wandering through the house remembering every moment she had experienced with him. Passing by his empty bedroom nearly killed her.
Brett started to leave, but paused in her doorway. She turned back for one last look before flipping off the lights and stepping into the hallway. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, the whole house had gathered in the entryway. Charlie stood with tears streaming down her face; Brett barely made it down the stairs before she had her arms around her. She felt Paige wrap herself around them both. The three stood holding each other until Paige leaned out. "We love you." Charlie held Brett's face in her hands. "Keep in touch, baby girl." Briggs pulled her tight. "Stay safe, kiddo." Brett turned next to Jakes, who was looking down at the ground. When he realized it was his turn to say goodbye, he sighed. He hugged and whispered to her. "You made this home." Brett squeezed him tight. Brett slowly pulled away and turned towards the door. Johnny stood in front of the door. He looked up at Brett with a determination in his eyes. "You'll be back." Brett gave Johnny a tight squeeze and reached for the door knob. She turned back to Johnny. "No, I really won't."

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