Chapter 5

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Valerie and I talked together frequently when we were in French class.  At first, I relished in the thought of someone so stellar paying me attention in a positive context.  Slowly, but surely, I looked forward to seeing her smile and hearing her laughter every day.  By that time, I knew my feelings were there and they had no intention of leaving. 

A few weeks into the semester we sat together, Valerie told me stories about her then boyfriend, Charlie Briggs. 

They were always complaints.  Charlie didn't call her like she asked, Charlie stared at other girls.  All the usual guy mistakes. Ones I took mental notes of, so that I would not make them once I had my chance.

Valerie's biggest complaint about Charlie was that he didn't listen.  So, I made sure every day we sat together in French that I did.  I never wanted not listening to be used when she described me to another guy.  If that day ever came.

It turned out listening is one of my best skills.  Which was a bad thing when dealing with a talker like Charlie Briggs.  I asked him about the relationship to get his side and he went on and on.  When asked what she thought about him, I gave an honest answer.

"She says I talk a lot?" Charlie Briggs asked me.

"Dude, you're a talker."

“No way.”

"You're talking to me now and we're not even friends."

I had Honors English with Charlie Briggs third period.  I had never met him before this school year, otherwise I would have avoided sitting directly behind him on the first day of school.  And, as Mr. Malton didn’t have us change seats every semester, this would be my fate for the duration of the year. 

“You know, now that you mention it, she said something like that when she broke up with me.”

Still talking

“We were together about… seven weeks, I think.  Easily the best kisser I’ve ever dated,” he said.

“I haven’t had the pleasure,” I replied.

I hoped my tone would inform him I wanted the conversation to be over.  Then, I realized responding would only get him talking more.  

“Hopefully you will.  You know, she asked about you a couple of times back when we were dating.”

Get out.

The bell rung.  I desperately wanted to ask Charlie what she asked about me, but that would involve walking with him to lunch.  I imagined him rambling on and on about other stuff after I got the information I sought. 

I’d do it some other time.  Instead, I headed for the bathroom.

Walking in, I caught a glimpse of some guy staring into the mirror while tugging on the sleeve of his polo.  He was adjusting how much of his giant bicep it revealed.  I looked beyond his thick arms and noted it was Tyler.

"Ward.  Just the guy I wanted to see,” he said.

I halted.  I had never been a major target of bullying, probably because of my cousin.  But I was aware of Tyler’s legacy of torture.

“Oh… the bathroom right before lunch.  Definitely a good choice,” I said.

I told myself to act normal.  No way he was going to try anything here.  Or anything at all.  He and Valerie had broken up. 

He laughed, his usual obnoxious laughter.

“How’s lunch with Valerie?” he asked.

Play it cool.

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