Chapter 17

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While Valerie and I were ecstatic about our new relationship status, our friends didn’t feel exactly the same.  Jack and Phil got all the surprise out of them yesterday, once they heard about us holding hands.  Valerie’s friends however…

“Why are Samantha and Alexandra glaring at me?”

“They’re glaring at me. And it’s because of what we talked about last night,” Valerie whispered.

I turned around to see if Jack or Phil, who sat on the other side of me, were listening.  “Talked on the phone of course,” I said, with nervous laughter.

Valerie hit my knee with her own.  She was right.  That wasn’t the least bit inconspicuous.

“Are they mad?” I whispered, passing them another glance.

They sat with two guys.  I had seen the one with a guitar, sitting next to Alexandra before, but I couldn’t place him.

“They’re livid.  We had agreed we wouldn’t tell anyone.  Ever.  They think I was totally out of line by not consulting them first.”

I shrugged.  “If you promised never to tell anyone then maybe you were.”

“Way to make me feel better, Miles,” she grumbled.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t grateful you broke that promise.”

“So, in history class, we’re learning about the Navajo code talkers,” Jack said. 

“Sorry, Jack,” Valerie said.

I tossed a French fry at him.  “Dude, lay off.”

“You do another one of those and I’ll introduce you to my pickles.”

The reference made me grin.  The school lunch pickles came in a separate, plastic container.  Back when we were freshman, some kids would lift the top off the container and then chuck it aimlessly across the cafeteria.  The group got caught some time in the middle of the school year. 

We continued with our own small talk among the myriad of cafeteria conversations until the bell rang.  I received a warning when I had arrived late to second period, so I wouldn’t risk another by walking Valerie all the way to her next class.

On the way to our separating point, I raised the question.  “I’m curious.  What did Lynn say when you told her?”

Valerie’s face flushed.  “I haven’t told Lynn yet…”

“Oh.  Why not?”

“Um, it’s just not safe to tell her yet,” she replied, looking genuinely uneasy.

“Haha, not safe?”

Valerie remained serious.  “We’ll tell her, soon enough.  Just not right now.”

“Um, ok…”

“You may want to sit elsewhere today in math.  It would give Samantha some time to cool off.”  Valerie kissed my check and left after a verbal goodbye. 

In addition to Valerie’s warning, several physical signs screamed that I should reconsider my seat.  Samantha had already started on her warm-up, even though the bell hadn’t rung.  That was a first for the year, maybe her entire high school career.  I noticed her jaw was tight as she quickly scribbled.

Despite the warning signs, I took my usual seat anyway.  This was Samantha, after all.  I couldn’t imagine her ever wanting to hurt me. 

Before I could get my notebook out and greet her, Samantha beat me to it.

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