Chapter 41

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Lynn pissed me off for two reasons.  One, she threatened my cousin.  Two, I wasn’t able to sleep after seeing her.  The lights and TV were off but I stared out the window.  And then at the ceiling.  And then back out the window. 

I was an idiot.  I kissed Lynn.  I locked lips with the one girl Valerie hated most.  Who was also the one girl I liked least.  And was also my cousin’s ex-girlfriend.  I couldn’t let either of them find out about this.  Malik would kill me and then Valerie would enter my dead dreams to kill me again.

That’s what I thought about the first hour after Lynn left.

The second hour I went back over my conversation with Mr. Braun earlier that day. 

“Goddess or girlfriend,” I asked myself again.

I wanted her back so badly. 


I’d talk to her tomorrow.  I’d tell her everything. 


The day began like any other:  a trip to school with my aunt, waiting in the cafeteria with the Phil and Jack until first bell, stopping by my locker before going to class.

It was then that the day began to unravel.


I spun around.  There was a 6’3 basketball player coming my way.  What in the world was Malik doing at school on time?  And in this part of the hall way?

“Um… good morning?” I said, nearly forgetting whether it was actually morning.

“Cuzzo, we gotta talk, man.”

“Right now?”

“Yes!” he shouted.  Some kid gave him a look and Malik glared at him.  The kid walked off without saying anything else.

"Cuzzo, I'm trippin’ man,” he began in a lower voice.  “I'm straight trippin’."

Malik’s vocabulary had a way of shrinking when he was upset.  And seeing him upset freaked me out.  Ladies’ man Malik was the pinnacle of smoothness and calm. 

"What do you mean?"

"It's Lynn, man.  She's been showing up in my dreams since we broke up."

My face flushed.

"I know it sounds weird.  But she's got these giant wings and-and claws and these big fangs,” he said putting his hand in front of his mouth to show it.  “And she keeps scratching me.  And biting me.  I-I know it sounds weird, but you've gotta believe me, cuzzo."

This wasn’t my cousin.  Not the strong all-state basketball player that everyone looked up to.

"I do, I do.  Believe me, Malik, I've had some weird dreams about her too."

Malik shook his head.  "Last night she said she would kill me.  She told me she was coming over tonight and that she'd be my last like I was her first."

I felt both cold and hot at once.  My throat went tight with fear.  I had every reason to believe Lynn intended to make good on her threat.  I knew I'd have to tell the girls.

"I swear I'm not crazy, Miles.  I swear."

"Hey, hey, I understand, man.  Really I believe you.  I heard some things from Valerie.  Crazy things about Lynn," I said.

"Crazy things like what?"

Of course, he'd ask for examples.

"Man, you don't even wanna know,” I tried.  “But we'll get through this.  I'll stay at your place tonight."

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