Chapter 30

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“You were about to fight who?” Jack asked.

“Shh!” I snapped.  I added a pack of French fries to my tray.  “I was about to fight Tyler.”

“Are you out of your mind?” he cried, just as loud as the first time.


“This is nothing to ‘shh!’ about.  He’s like twice your size.  What is wrong with you?” Jack demanded.

“He asked Valerie to prom and had the nerve to boast about it to my face and then challenge me.  I’m not looking to fight the guy but if he calls me out again, I’m stepping up.”

Jack shook his head in disbelief.  “Maybe you should break up with Valerie.  For the sake of your sanity, because you’ve obviously lost it.”

“Whatev, Jack.”

We paid and headed outside to our table.  Once I exited the line, I noted Tyler and his gang looking at me from across the cafeteria with jeering eyes.

“I’m getting tired of that look,” I said.

“Just ignore it.  They’re just being obnoxious like always.”

Jack and I kept walking.  I was determined to keep in control.  Tyler was as vile as everyone kept saying.  There was no competition between us, I had won.  I had Valerie, I had better friends, and I was more likeable. 

An object flew across the cafeteria and hit Jack.  It was a plastic container that held pickles for sandwiches.  The pickles had splattered right onto Jack’s head.

Jack turned bright red.  He peeled the slices off, his hand shaking with rage, but he was trying to remain calm. 

“I-it’s cool, Miles… let’s just- Miles!”

Without even thinking, I snatched the nearest kid’s carton of chocolate milk and threw it over to Tyler’s table.  I missed.  Sort of.  While the carton itself missed Tyler, it hit the table and the milk gushed onto him.  I hadn’t even noticed the carton was open.  Maybe that’s what the man from the mall meant about blind rage. 

Tyler jumped up immediately.  The cacophony of conversations went still.  At least in the immediate area.  People sitting at the tables near the outside asked what had happened.  And those further outside probably hadn’t noticed.  Either way, the cafeteria was quiet enough for me to hear my heart pounding. 

“Miles, let’s just go,” Jack whispered.

Too late to back down…

“Watch your food,” I said to the kid I took the milk from.

I stepped on top of the table and got down on the other side.  Tyler, seeing my eagerness, did the same.  Kids pulled their lunches away on the following table before I arrived.  One kid moved a single finger across his neck.  If I somehow survived this, I would go for him next. 

Tyler and I met.  I had to tilt my head back to meet his gaze.  He was somehow even bigger now that I was up close to him.

“First hit is yours,” he offered.  “It’ll be the only one you’ll get.”

“You started this.  I’m finishing it.”

Part of me hoped Tyler would pull back.  He chuckled, just before punching me dead center in the chest.  I lost air.  Before I could register the pain from the hit, a second rattled my chest.  I bumped into the nearby structural column.  I gnashed my teeth as I forced myself to remain standing. 

I threw a punch, but it was deflected.  Tyler threw one and I tried to move, but it grazed my shoulder. 

My brain began to toy with the thought that maybe everyone had been right.  Maybe I truly stood no chance from the beginning.  My brain also noted other students standing on chairs and tables.  Many were howling and shouting.  I briefly wondered where Malik was.  Then, I told myself that I didn’t need his help.  That if I had to go down, then fine; but I would at least get one hit in.

Tyler threw another punch.  This time I avoided it, and then upper-cut him, hitting his chin.  By reflex, Tyler shoved me full force.  I hit the column again, head first.  I winced in pain. 

Tyler raised his hand to hit me again, and then cried out in pain.

“Leave!” someone shouted.

Tyler turned sideways and I saw Valerie, her first clenched, her face fierce. 

“My boyfriend!”

She punched him again in the ribs.  I moved away from the column as Tyler stumbled closer and closer to it.


She punched him one last time, dead in the center of his chest, and he fell into the column.  His face swirled with agony and he sunk to his knees.  Before I could do anything else, a pair of arms grabbed me.  I almost hit their owner, until I realized it was a teacher.  Mr. Charmichael, my chemistry teacher, grabbed Valerie’s arms and pulled her away, opposite me. 

Valerie glared at her victim, her eyes merciless.  Two other teachers swooped in.  They were saying something to the teacher that held me.  With all of the noise, I couldn’t make it out.  I couldn’t block any of the cackles and howls from the other students.  I couldn’t block out my shame.

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