Chapter 6

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I found myself at the library again, on the Friday ending the best school week of my life.  And, if all went well, that greatness would continue into the weekend.  The forecast called for sunny with some clouds, as I happened to have guessed the day before.

Ms. Arundel gave the class a single worksheet for homework.  I wanted to get it done before the weekend really began.  A vibration on my thigh broke me away from my labors with the advanced algebra.

I was pleasantly surprised to see it was from Valerie.  I pressed the buttons to get to the prize.

"Where are you? “

"Lib, as usual.  Are you coming to see me? :)” 

I picked up my pencil and wrote down two digits before the phone vibrated again.

“I wish.  But as a consolation prize I’m sending you my beautiful friend Lynn.”

Not cool.


I didn’t bother with picking up the pencil again.  I wouldn’t be able to focus on math until I had an answer.  Luckily, the next vibration came a moment later.

"She wanted me to ask you something.  But since she’s loves messing with you, I’m making her ask you in person.”

“I’d rather you asked.”

I regretted it immediately after “Message Sent” appeared on my screen.  I wasn’t sure if Valerie and I were close enough that I could blatantly admit my dislike of Lynn.  Hopefully she would accept it as mild unease.

“I know.  Don’t have too much fun without me :)”

I exhaled deeply.  I reclined in my chair and flicked my pencil against my index finger. 

What in the world could Lynn possibly want with me?  I hadn’t seen her since Tuesday at lunch. 

I shook my head.

Just three problems left.  Get through it…

I attempted the last stretch of the worksheet, when I heard the library door open.  The bleach blonde hair, glaring underneath florescent lights, gave away it was Lynn.  I waved her down.  She was in gym clothes and looked great.  She could wear anything- or nothing at all- and still be the best eye candy at East Gaston High. 

“Hi, Miles,” She said sweetly, her porcelain white teeth sparkling.  I briefly thought of the bathroom from last Friday.

"Hey Va- uh, Lynn.”

She burst into her jeering laughter.  “Don’t ever let Valerie catch you mixing the two of us up.  Last year, Jerry from the Tennis team mixed us up and she’s not spoken to him since.”

I raised my eyebrows.  I’d die if I had to go that long without her speaking to me.  “Will do.”

Lynn took the seat next to mine then let out a sigh.  “I don’t know why she gets so mad about it.  We’re a lot alike.”


“Same group of friends, both AP kids, both loved and hated by many.  Well, I guess I get more of the hate,” she confessed.

I didn’t know Lynn took any AP classes.  Nor did I care.  Was this all an attempt to lure me to her side?  I hated that it was working.  I couldn’t carry a grudge to save my life. 

“So, what brings you by?” I asked to quickly change the subject. 

“I heard about your date with Valerie tomorrow at Adventure Landing.”

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