Chapter 48

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The ropes that previously held Valerie now bound the Hunter’s hands behind his back.  He lay face down next to the wall he had earlier slammed Valerie into.

“I don’t like the thought of leaving him to the mercy of your parents.”

"Why?  Just because he’s hurting on the inside doesn't excuse the fact that he's taking it out on other people."

She had a point.

“Still, I say we contact the police.”

It was a flawed idea.  Neither of us had a cell phone, so that meant we’d have to get the police and bring them back here.  Or, take the Hunter to them.  Both alternatives were dreadful.  But I figured leaving the Hunter with Valerie’s parents would surely end in his death.  I owed the man nothing, but I didn’t want him murdered. 

“If we involve the police, they’ll want to do a full investigation.  They’ll ask how you knew where to find me among other sensitive topics.” 

I frowned at that.

“Speaking of which, how did you know where to find me?”

“With some help from our trickster friend.”

Now it was Valerie’s turn to frown.  “He told you where I was without asking for anything in return?”

I sighed.  “He told me he wanted to help me because he felt I had potential.  He asked me a bunch of questions to help me think my way into locating you.”

Her frown deepened.  “I don’t like you talking to him.”

“You act like I go out looking for the guy.  He found me both times we met.  And, if it wasn’t for him, you’d be dead.  Well, maybe not dead- just delivered.”

Valerie closed the distance between us in a flash.  “What do you mean delivered?”

I shrugged.  “He said something about the Hunter holding you captive for somebody.  But that was it, no other details.”

Valerie looked back at the Hunter.  “I bet he knows.”

“Maybe.  But you’re not torturing him to find out,” I said firmly. 

“Even if you did, it wouldn’t help.”

Our gaze shifted over to the Hunter’s body. 

“For starters, nothing you do could get me to talk.”

“I highly doubt that,” Valerie replied.

“Secondly, I don’t know who the buyer is.  The Indian man in the suit approached me, but he’s too whimsical to be the brains behind the operation.”

Whimsical and seemingly all-powerful.  I guess we had different opinions of what it took to be behind something like this.  Or maybe the trickster hadn’t revealed his deity-like powers to the Hunter. 

He was awake now.  That offered another incentive not to take him to the police.  Plus, there was no telling what he would say to the police.  And he was an adult.  What if the police were more inclined to believe him?

Valerie made the decision for me.  “Give me your phone.  I’m going to go call my parents.”

She stood in front of me, her back to the Hunter.  I pretended to pass her something.  She headed outside. 

The show, which the Hunter hadn’t seen given that he lied facing the ground, was to get him to believe Valerie was calling her parents.  Because we both didn’t have a phone, she was going to contact them via her dreams.  If she went to sleep in here, the Hunter would know and may take that as an opportunity to attack.  I clutched the bat in my hand.  I couldn’t wait for all of this to be over with. 

The Hunter chuckled. 

“What’s so funny?” I demanded.

“She said she was calling her parents.  And you believed her.”

“Why shouldn’t I?”

“Tell me, boy, do you know how a Succubus is born?”

“Actually, I do.  From an Incubus and a Succubus.”

“Did you know they absolutely hate each other?  Why on earth would two creatures who revile each other live together under one worth for a duty they both detest:  child rearing?”

I was silent.  I remembered Valerie saying that her mom detested raising her.  Rather, the prospect of raising her.

“She truly has you in the dark, boy.”

“If they aren’t here parents, then who are they?”

“Human foster parents.  I imagine they know what she is, which makes the situation all the more puzzling.”

“Shut-up.  Just stop talking to me.”

“As you wish.  Just one last word of caution:  be careful when you put a demon on a pedestal.”

Valerie returned about twenty minutes later.  She pretended to give me back my phone.  If the Hunter was keen to detail, he’d notice dirt in Valerie’s hair from lying on the ground.

“They’re on their way,” she said.

“Great,” I replied, while stifling a yawn.

“I want you to go home now.”

“Get outta here.  I’m not leaving you alone with this guy.”  And I didn’t want to leave him alone with a liar like you.

“Miles, you shouldn’t be here when my parents arrive.”

“You mean your foster parents.” 

She didn’t seem surprised.  “I was wondering when you’d ask me.”

“It makes sense.  But, the lingering question is, why.  Why would two humans knowingly raise a Succubus?”

Why would a human male knowingly date a Succubus?

Valerie leaned against me, giving me a whiff of her fragrance. 

“Can we talk about this later?” she whispered, throwing a look back at the Hunter.

“I’m trusting you, Valerie,” I said, matching her volume.

Her hazel eyes met my brown ones.

“I would hope so.  You just risked your life a second time to save mine.”

Maybe I wasn’t a hero.  Maybe I was just incredibly stupid like everyone kept saying. 

“Tomorrow.  I promise.”

“You mean today.”

“No, I mean tomorrow.  When all this is over, I’m going home and having a nice long sleep.”

Fair enough.  Given our night, how could either of us be expected to go to school.  Although, I doubted my aunt would accept fighting a Succubus and Valerie’s stalker a second time as an excuse.  And, as the secretary to the principal, all of the attendance reports ended up on her desk.

I conceded and made my way to the door.


I turned.  Our lips met.  Then our tongues.  I felt myself become weak and strong at the same time.  Why did we have all these secrets?  Why couldn’t things be easier between us?

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

We didn’t say it verbally.  It was with our eyes.  Passionate, longing stares that revealed a hunger that would have to wait to be fulfilled after this madness was behind us. 

Our lips touched one last time and I departed. 

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