Tony what are you doing?

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<Steve's P.O.V>

I was standing in the debriefing room trying to figure out some kind of plan for the town we had utterly destroyed when fighting Ultron. There were many things we could do such as just forget the town completely or rebuilding and trying again etc. and etc. we were just at shield so I was still wearing the uniform well most of it. I was wearing the boots and pants and a black tee shirt. I rubbed my chin not knowing if I should get someone else to help with this. I thought that maybe Wanda and Pietro should be the people to decide what happens but Wanda couldn't because she was already there helping people with Vision while Pietro and Clint hadn't come out of there room since Pietro came home from the hospital. Sometimes I would see one of the robots bringing in plate of food or something but that was really it.

After a while someone came in probably Fury to yell at me about not having an answer yet. But it turned out to be someone much more enjoyable.

"Hey Stevie what cha doing?" Tony giggled from behind me. I threw him a smile over my shoulder seeing him jump up on the table and smiling brightly at me.

"Well fury wants me to figure out a plan for the town we destroyed" I mumbled feeling bad for the people that lived there and lost their lives that day.

"That sounds boring can we do something else?" Tony whined throwing his head back.

"No I need to finish this sorry Tony" I apologized turning and kissing his forehead. He smiled up at me slightly before watching me continue to try to figure out what to do. I rubbed a hand through my hair before letting my hand drag over my face. I had no idea what to do so I crossed my arms resting my chin against one of my arms that I propped on the other. I looked at the hologram wall hoping that the idea would come to me and I would figure out what to do. I felt a pair of small arms come around my waist. I smirked looking down seeing Tony's hands clasped together in front of me I felt him rest his head in the small of my back kissing it softly.

"Tony what are you doing" I chuckled looking back at him he just kind of shrugged his shoulders nuzzling his face into my back.

"Nothing" he shrugged eyes closed smile on his face. "Why don't we act like Pietro and Clint and stay in our room for days on end?" Tony whined.

"We do and we just got home a few days ago," I laughed going to push him on while he held tighter.

"Come on let's go to our room" Tony whined pulling me toward the stairs.

"Fine" I laughed walking with him back to our room.

A/N: This is literal shit but meh.

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