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[ 7:34AM ]

i walk back, towards the salty breeze i've lived with for years.

watching as the sky turned into beautiful hues of color,
i kept twirling the rose in my hand,

noticing now, that the thorns have been cut off.

he cares... he didn't want me hurting my finger again.

looking up from the delicate flower,
i see someone,

i slow down, and look closely, noticing it was zayn smoking.

i watched as he stood casually on his porch, inhaling the cigarette,
causing the end to light up,
and puffing it out.

the smoke, being attacked with the cold morning air, and disappearing.

my breath hitches, when he catches my stare,
and smirks.

i flush, finally noticing his naked torso.

he nods towards me, inhaling the nicotine again,
and i wave at him, giving a slight thank you for the rose.

he smiles wide,

and i flush, walking into my cat filled home.


yikes, this ended up a bit fluffy.
a small break from the major angst coming soon.

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-softlou x

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