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[ one month later ]

every day i still receive flowers, and notes.

i smile every single time too.
lately we've been getting closer together and i've enjoyed it.

i had kept one cat and took the others to a family a few miles away,

the little girls lit like christmas trees seeing the kittens.

this morning he had left an orange rose, but a different color.
i decided to do some research of my own for once.

looking through, i find a trustworthy website, and read about the different colors and meanings.

immediately becoming interested in these 'romantic' flowers myself.

i look to see i had been given a darker orange or coral colored than my last few roses,

and saw it meant he desired me.

i blushed, looking towards my open window, and where his house was shown,

he cares about me.



-softlou x

rose → ziallWhere stories live. Discover now