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sea and the rock below, cocked to the undertow bones, blood, and teeth erode, with every crashing node
- roslyn // bon iver


[ 5:06AM ]

wiping away the tears in my eyes,
and walking out in the back, towards the cliff.

the last rose and note i've been given in my hands.

the air was stiff, and splintering.

the cold breeze biting at my open skin.

my t-shirt tight in my front because of the violent winds whipping across my body.

the shorts i wore doing the same.

i stand at the edge,
my eyes looking straight ahead as i stood at the edge.

the sun peeking up, illuminating a sliver of the horizon.

i pull in my last breath,
close my eyes... and feel what can be felt,

and hear what can be heard.

the ferocious actions of the wind, numbing my skin,
my body quivering, like the earth.

the howling of the wind,
and the deafening sounds down below,
rocks colliding with water colder than anything that could be described.

my eyes closed, my breath even, and at my weakest point,

i fall.


oOh. niall falls. i decided to add that song roslyn because it is kind of what the story ending is built on;

you should listen to it in the next chapter

-softlou x

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