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[ one week later ]

my vase was filled with multiple colors,

and my wall was full of colored ribbons and notes.

i smile slightly,

walking out the door,

and finding and Red and Yellow rose.

i hop on the roof, and open the note,

deciding a walk shouldn't be necessary today.

his note left me once again a flushing mess. he had this way with words that put images in my head..

he knew what he was doing. i know he did.

i sighed, trying to calm down my libido. i wanted him, but i was too scared to do anything.

as long as he was here, i was okay.

i didn't need too much right?
looking into zayn's garden i saw his cute dog running around,

i've never enjoyed dogs as much as i should,
maybe it was because they were so energetic and it never matched up with me.

i saw zayn walk out and i quickly stopped giggling. but the constant glances towards my home told me he knew i was there.


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-softlou x

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