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i woke up early that week, with liam still asleep,
and i go onto my roof, to enjoy the view,

and zayn.

one day, he brought two roses and two notes,
it even contained my name on one and blank the other,

maybe liam's.

my rose was red, and liam's was withered and white.

i giggle, handing him his.

"looks like your admirer doesn't like me." liam mumbled, and i looked at him confused.

liam sighed, "a withered white rose means something along the lines of no impression was made, or there's no beauty within the person given to."

niall laughed, and asked what his note said.

death is preferable to loss of virtue.
- z.

"what does that mean?" i asked, and liam shrugged,

"it's an old saying that goes with a dried white rose.. guess it's time for me to leave, yeah?" and niall laughed nodding.

"he gave you a red rose." liam commented and winked, going to the guest room to pack up.

i blushed, opening the note to read it.

what speaks louder?
the thumping in my heart, or the meaning in my words?
i can do both and it wouldn't be enough.
then i must show you my eyes,
as they shine and open the gates for you to take me for yourself.
- z.

i smiled, and jumped when i heard liam, "wow.. he really wants you to make the first move."

i hit him playfully, "shut up!"


i swear there's angst. i promise.
a few chapters more and it'd all come.

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-softlou x

rose → ziallWhere stories live. Discover now