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It was pouring when Camila finally reached her destination. She stopped the car right beside the entrance of the old and broken house and turned off the engine. Leaning back in her car seat, she squeezed her eyes a little, trying to get a better view of the building in front of her since the rain was blocking her view.

Her heart sunk into her shoes as she realized how broken down the house actually was. Memories flashed back in her head and she could see her 6 year old self jumping off the porch, laughing, while her dad chased her happily. The good old days. It's been 4 and a half years and this house looked older than an actual 20 year old houses.

Her mom never sold it so it kind of still belonged to them. She just couldn't sell it. It's kinda the same with the car. Too many memories were made right here on this very property Camila was standing on at the moment.

She quickly folded Sofi's drawing, shoved it into her jacket pocket as well and then slowly dragged herself out of the car. She jogged over to the three steps of the porch and quickly walked up and opened the front door, getting in to shield herself from the rain. The lock was broken even before they moved out. Her dad wanted to repair it but he never actually got to it.

Camila wiped her tears once more before she took in her surroundings. Everything still looked the same, only a bit more dusty and dark. They only took some of their furniture with them, their old sofa still standing there untouched. Camila slowly walked over to it and brushed her hands against it's fabric softly. She then made her way over to the stairs, stopping on her way though to quickly glance into the kitchen.

She loved that room the most probably. Her whole family used to cook there together, on christmas days they made cookies there. In summer, when Camila or Sofi scratched their knees open, Sinu would clean the wounds and put bandages around them in there.

Camila smiled to herself before walking up the staircase. It cracked heavily so it took her almost two minutes to get to the top since she walked in the pace of a snail, scared something would break.

Reaching the top, she walked down the hall when she suddenly jumped at a noise coming from behind her. She couldn't identify the noise but it kind of sounded like drop. She turned around and squeezed her eyes shut to see better in the dim light.

„Hello?", She called and waited a few seconds before turning back around. She shook her head slightly at herself. Why would someone be here?

Camila opened the door of the room that used to be hers once. She peered into it before opening the door fully. Her old bed was still placed in the corner. When they moved out they left it there since it had gotten too small for her anyways. She smiled at the sight of her old rockinghorse that now stood in the other corner of the room.

As she sat down on her bed, rubbing it's fabric softly, the tears returned and soon after, Camila was sobbing. She never got over her dad's death. He was her bestfriend back then. His absence made everyone in her family feel so low, Camila especially noticed that in her mom's behavior. They had been married for over ten years and only one 'little' accident ripped them apart.

Camila sat there in silence for a few minutes, numbly staring at the wall in front of her before she got up from the bed, walked over to the window and opened it fully. The wet wind blew into her face but she didn't even flinch. Quickly she looked out to check how far she was away from the ground. Would she survive if she fell down?

Then, without thinking, she quickly lifted one leg up and out the window, following the other leg until she sat on the windowsill looking down to the ground in front of her. Only one little push would cause her to fall and probably die since she was around 11 yards up in the air.

The House She Used To Live In (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now