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Four days had passed and Camila still hadn't heard from the girl, neither did she touch her journal. She kind of always knew the girl wouldn't reach out to her, I mean, why would she? Camila probably crept her out. She was just a girl that tried to kill herself in an abandoned house and now she wanted to talk? Camila wouldn't reach out to someone like that either.

But still, she was craving those answers more than anything. Any other person probably wouldn't make that big of a deal out of it but it was something else for a change. Camila's life had always been the same. Average. So Camila found it exciting and she was curious.

It was saturday so she didn't have any classes today. She had plans with the girls to meet up in their favorite café to have breakfast together. So she dragged herself out of bed and got ready. She only applied some eyeliner so that her eyes wouldn't look too sleepy but she decided against applying any other make up. She changed into a pair of jeans and a slightly oversized sweater and walked to the kitchen to tell her mom, who was already very much awake, about where she was going. Sofi still seemed to be asleep and Camila was glad because if she was awake right now, she would want the older girl to watch her favorite cartoons with her, just like every saturday morning.

Camila grabbed a light jacket, not putting it on though, her keys and her bag in which her money and phone were in and walked out and to the elevator.

It was 9:30 AM when Camila drove down the street. The sky was clear today and the sun was already shining brightly. It wasn't too warm but it wasn't cold either. Reaching the café, she saw that Dinah was already waiting in front of it, with her phone in her hands.

„Hey.", Camila smiled, opening her arms, inviting the taller girl in for a hug. Dinah hugged her, a little to firmly but Camila was okay with it. She was used to it.

„Still haven't heard from her?", Dinah asked and Camila instantly knew who Dinah was talking about. She shook her head and played with her fingers.

„You know, maybe she doesn't wanna talk about it. Maybe you should just leave it.", Dinah said before looking back down on her phone screen.

Camila didn't answer and just kept playing with her fingers. Maybe Dinah was right. Maybe she should just leave it. Camila understood that the mystery girl didn't wanna talk. She seemed to very closed-off and maybe she really was crept out by Camila. The brunette got a little to excited about the situation, making a big deal out of it even though the girl probably just left her boots there since they were really old. Maybe she was a traveller and she only checked the house out. It looked kinda cool, you could take really artistic photos there.

Ally and Normani arrived soon after so they got in and sat down at a table by the window.

„So you and Troy exchanged numbers?", Normani asked, taking a bite from her bagel. Ally blushed again and squeeled silenty while nodding her head. We all squeeled along with her.

„So are you asking him out or what?", Camila said and winked at Ally who sat opposite from her.

„No, I mean, we just started texting and I don't wanna cross the line just yet. I'll wait.", Ally told us and we were all genuinely happy for her. He seemed to make her really happy and Ally deserved all the happiness in the world.

When they finished breakfast, they sat there for a little longer and just talked before they all said their goodbyes and went home.

Camila laid down on her bed as soon as she reached her apartment, trying not to make much noise so her mom and sister would come to talk to her. She needed some time to think. Dinah said to let it go but Camila couldn't. She sat up and stared at the wall in front of her. One last time she'd try to find the girl, Camila told herself. She got up from the bed, grabbed her keys and sneaked out of her room and out of the apartment.

The House She Used To Live In (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now