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Lauren didn't move until she heard the engine of Camila's car erupt. She walked over to the window and peaked out, only to see the car storming off. The green eyed girl felt really bad, making assumptions over a person she didn't know. She usually wasn't like this but she wanted to get Camila to leave her alone. Camila was dangerous.

Lauren admired Camila's willpower, not giving up on getting the answers she wanted so bad. The green eyed girl didn't understand why it was so important to her at first but now she kind of did. Camila really is going through a rough time and Lauren felt sorry for her.

She then turned around, scanned the room once again to check if she had all her stuff and was just about to leave as well to get 'home' to her boyfriend when she spotted Camila's jacket on the small table near the sofa. Lauren slowly walked over, lifted it and twisted it around in her hands for a few moments. She could just leave it here, Camila would come back tomorrow probably to get it. Or she could bring it to her.

Lauren twisted it around for another minute when she suddenly rolled her eyes and groaned loudly to herself, swung the jacket over her bag and left the house quickly. „Dangerous", she thought to herself.

– –

When Camila got home, she quickly walked to her room in hopes no one would come to see her. Her eyes were puffy and red and she could barely see. Her face was still tear streaked. Lauren's words hit her like a brick wall and she couldn't believe she wasted so much thoughts on someone so judgemental.

She threw her bag in the corner and jumped onto the bed, curling up into a ball and silently crying into her pillow. She remained like this for a few minutes and had almost dozed off to sleep when she heard her room door open slowly. She didn't move, only stopped breathing to hide her crying.

„Kaki, are you sad?", Sofi said and walked a few steps towards her older sister, not overstepping any boundaries though, keeping her distance in case Camila wanted to be alone. When the older girl didn't speak up, Sofi closed the door and slowly sat onto the bed next to Camila.

Camila kept laying in place for another few moments when she suddenly shot up and pulled her sister into her lap, hugging her to her chest tightly. Sofi put her hands around Camila's torso and buried her face into her older sister's face.

„You can tell me if you want but you don't have to. I bet it's not too bad.", Sofi whispered and stroked Camila's back soothingly.

„Or is it because you lost the keychain I made you because then it is bad.", Sofi spoke and lifted her head away from Camila's shoulder to see her face. Camila chuckled lightly and kissed her sister's forehead before pressing her tiny body back against her. She didn't know what she would do without her sister.

The following day, Camila dragged herself out of bed with a rather low mood. Again. She felt kind of relieved to finally have all the answers she needed, even though the information she got from the green eyed girl wasn't the answers she had expected. At least Lauren was honest with her and told her what she really thought about the brunette.

Today was the day she had to fill in Ally and Normani on what had happened the past week. They had sent her tons of text messages the evening before but Camila was to exhausted to actually reply. So she just turned off her phone and went to sleep. Today she'd be honest with them though and tell them everything. Also she'd tell them that she's now done with the house and with Lauren.

Camila changed into some basic clothes, a plain shirt and some pants and walked into the kitchen to prepare food for her mom and sister. When she was done with making eggs and bacon, she actually had enough time left to eat something herself.

The House She Used To Live In (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now