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Two weeks had passed and Lauren and Camila were closer than ever. Lauren came by every now and then, even picked her up from school on some days to get coffee with her or just hang out somewhere. Once, they even cuddled while watching a movie. Even though Camila and Lauren saw eachother atleast four times a week, Lauren hadn't met Dinah, Ally or Normani before. They saw eachother from a distance but that was it.

The girls had been very curious about the green eyed girl but the past few days they hadn't asked that much about what was going on between them. Dinah was still the most curious of them all though. Their opinions about her were split. Dinah still found her mysterious and thought that she could not be trusted. Ally always said she didn't wanna judge anyone from afar and Normani thought Lauren looked like a cool rocker girlfriend. It was true, the cool and the rocker part.

Camila wasn't so sure about the 'girlfriend' part though. Of course, they were good friends now, Lauren still not spilling the beans about where she lives and what she does but Camila trusted her. Over the past two weeks, Camila fully opened up to Lauren, told her about her past, about her dad and about her depression. Lauren was always there for her, knew some nice, encouraging words for her that seriously made her day. The green eyed girl was the person Camila would call at 3 AM when she couldn't sleep because of her wild thoughts. The green eyed girl was also the person Camila would call if she were to rob a bank. Lauren made her feel safe and most importantly something again, which Camila liked a lot.

Camila had never had a crush before, on anyone, so she didn't know what it felt like. Lauren made her feel butterflies in her stomach sometimes but that was probably just because of her nice words. The brunette tried to push those feelings aside, it could never happen anyway. Lauren was that kind of person you needed to show that she meant something to you before she opened up. You had to gain her trust. At first, Camila thought Lauren would let loose after a week but her walls were still built up, not as much as before though.

The evening after they had their third meet up was the first day Camila had ever thought about her sexuality. Did those mixed feelings that she couldn't sort out make her gay? Or bisexual?

Camila liked the idea of not labeling herself. She wanted to fall in love with people, not gender.

She also thought about reactions she could possibly get from her friends but also from her mom and sister for dating a girl. Her friends were really accepting but she still wasn't so sure if they all would accept it. Ally was a very religious person and many people who believe in god tend to being homophobic since apparently there's something against it written down in the bible. Ally was too much of a sweetheart to ever hate her for loving someone, though. Her mom would probably be happy with it. Ever since her dad had passed away, Sinu literally praised everything that made her daughters happy.

Today, Camila wanted to go out and spend some time with her sister. She hadn't done that in a long while since school and other things had been on her mind. She hadn't seen or heard from Lauren in three days now, but she wasn't worried. It wasn't unusual for Lauren to disappear for a day or two. Or three. She'd come around again eventually.

„What do you wanna do today?", Camila asked her sister as they sat together at the breakfast table. It was saturday and Sinu was currently making them waffles. Sinu liked making breakfast for her kids on weekends, Camila always did it during week days so it made her feel like she was kind of repaying her.

„I don't know.", Sofi sighed but there was this cute little smirk on her face and Camila immidiately knew that there was something on the younger one's mind.

„Spill.", Camila said and she didn't even quite finish talking yet when Sofi jumped up from her seat and shouted, „FROYO!"

Both Camila and her mother burst out into a fit of laughter and Sofi just continued her breakfast. Waffles was her favorite. Once, she and her older sister had an argument about having waffles for breakfast again since they'd had it the day before and a few other times that week. Camila eventually gave in so they had waffles again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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