Chapter 25.

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After a month of Eric and I dating, things couldn't be better. It's like he never left, and like we've been together for years. We're really comfortable with one another, and plus he still treats me like he's trying to win me.

It's crazy how fast life goes. Hayden's starting to talk, and he already crawls. Eric treats him just as if he were his own son, and I absolutely love that. Hayden already knows Eric so well, so much that he already calls him dad. Eric seems so happy to be with Hayden and I. I'm just as happy for having him by my side.

It also amazes me that Eric's parents have accepted Hayden. They've accepted me as Eric's girlfriend, and they've accepted Hayden as a grandchild. I knew his Dad was cool, but his Mom is too. They're so understanding, and that's something I really respect about them.

It was Sunday morning, and now that Eric was back everything pretty much went back to normal. My title as manager stayed, and so did the raise they gave me. Eric was also manager, but Mr. Palmer told us nothing would change. He told us we can both share the work of assistant manager, and actual manager. That way neither one of us would have to worry about hiring more people. Now that Eric was back, we were no longer short staffed. Eric and I were thinking of hiring someone new, just so everyone gets more freedom with their shift. That though, is something we need to go over with Mr. Palmer since he signs the paychecks.

This morning I had the day off, and Isiah started at 12. Hayden was already awake, I heard him kicking around in his crib. He wasn't crying though, just seemed like he was playing alone.

"Well good morning Mr. Hayden, why didn't you tell me you were awake?" I asked him.

Hayden just smiled wide as he saw me. My heart warmed at the sight, and I carefully grabbed him.

"Let's go see what Uncle Isiah is doing," I told him. I kissed him on his forehead, and with his mouth wide open he kissed my cheek. I laughed, and Hayden squealed.

I walked out of the room, and the smell of bacon surprised me. Was Isiah cooking bacon? As I walked into the living room, I put Hayden down and he immediately started to crawl.

"Good morning, breakfast is almost ready," Isiah announced.

"Is that bacon?" I asked him a little disgusted. The smell seemed to make my stomach twist, as I felt it cramp up.

"Yeah, you love bacon," Isiah reminded me. "I also made pancakes, and eggs."

As the smell of bacon kept entering my nose, my throat felt tight. I quickly ran to the bathroom. Before I knew it I had puked, making my stomach and throat feel better.

Once the tightening feeling was gone, I got up from the floor and walked to the sink. My mind started to drift to when I had my last period, and the answer scared me to think that I was late.

I tried to ignore the facts, at least just until Isiah leaves to work. Although I had just thrown up my guts, the thought of food did seem appetizing. I walked out of the bathroom, and into the kitchen.

"You feeling okay? Did you throw up again?" Isiah asked.

"Yeah, it was probably something I ate last night. That food from the restuarant Eric took us to, something tasted a little off," I lied.

"Then you might want to throw away those left overs you brought. Come on though, bring Hayden and you both have a seat so we can all eat before I have to go to work," Isiah said.

I took Hayden in my arms and sat him down in his high chair. As I took a seat Isiah brought me a plate. The plate was filled with eggs, bacon, and pancakes. The bacon looked a bit gross to me, but I tried my best to ignore it. If I don't eat the bacon, or if I push it to the side Isiah will question me. Like he had said before, I do like my bacon.

After Isiah had left for work, I finally let myself worry about what was going on. My period was late, I keep getting morning sickness. I hate to admit it, but my breast do feel a little sore. The obvious answer to me was pregnancy.

Immediately, the idea of being pregnant scared me. The thought of telling Eric made me feel worse.

I know Eric won't reject me for being pregnant; but it's another baby adding to our little family. Besides, right now we work out fine because I have my own room with Hayden, and he has his own room in his house. Another baby won't fit with me in that room, and neither would Eric. Hayden and I barely fit in there.

The thought of being pregnant was scaring me badly, but there was only one way to truly find out. Pregnancy test.

I got Hayden and myself ready, so we could go out to the store. Eric should be out of work by now, but I didn't want to call him to take me to the store. Before I tell Eric I might be pregnant, I wanted to find out for myself first.

I sat Hayden in his stroller, and I grabbed my long board. This might not be the brightest idea, but it's the fastest way to get to the store. I flung Hayden's diaper bag over my shoulder, and soon we were on our way.

I road my long board as I pushed Hayden's stroller. So far everything was going fine. We were moving at a good pace, and I already wanted to get to the store and back home.

"Aaliyah!" I heard a very familiar voice call my name. I stopped and looked around.

It didn't take long to notice Eric's black car. Busted. I felt my heart pounding, but I was still set on not telling him.

"Hey, where are you going?" I tried asking casually.

Eric parked his car on the curb of the street. He got out of the car, and he made his way around to where I was with Hayden.

"I was going to visit you, ask you if you wanted to grab something to eat. Where are you going?" He questioned.

"The store, Hayden needs diapers," I lied.

Eric smiled at me, and he slightly nodded.

"I'll take you, after do you want to go get something to eat? If not maybe we can just hang out, do something?" Eric asked.

I couldn't say no, he'd know something would be up. Besides, I really wanted to hang out with him. I always want to be with Eric.

"Yeah, but I just need to go to the store first," I said to him. Eric nodded and smiled.

"I'll take you, but next time you need something from the store please wait for me. It was kind of scary watching you ride your long board with Hayden,"  Eric pointed out.

"I bet, but okay I'll wait next time," I said to him.

When we got to the store I told Eric to stay in the car, with Hayden. I told him I was already hungry, and I just wanted to go in fast and quick. In reality, I still wanted to buy the pregnancy test. I'll buy a box of diapers, and through the boxes flaps I'll slide the pregnancy test through it. That way Eric won't see them, and I'll be able to sneak them into the house with no problem.

I bought the box of diapers, and the pregnancy test. Once I had paid I opened the pregnancy test which contained two of them. I threw out the box, and I hid the actual tests in the package inside the box. I dought Eric will find them in here, but I was still hoping they stay hidden.


After a long, and fun date with Eric the day was over. Eric decided that he should stay the night, and I had agreed. I decided I would take the test once Eric was fully asleep, that way I would have a bit of privacy.

Once Eric was already snoring, I knew it was time. I quietly opened the diapers, and inside where the pregnancy tests. I grabbed one, and hid the other one under Hayden's clothes.

I made my way to the restroom, when everyone was already asleep; including Isiah. I felt nervous having to do this, but I had to.

Once I did my business, I capped the pregnancy test again and left it on the counter. I washed my hands not wanting to glance at it. I dried my hands, and just stood there, still.

I was nervous to look, but I knew I had to. I turned around and there I saw it. The blue little cross telling me, I was pregnant.

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