Chapter 15

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Neal Caffery

Peter and I have become friends again, but what comes behind that door, could change everything.

We are standing at the warehouse about to break in and Peter hands me a gun. He knows I don't like guns.

"Just in case. You don't know what ever the hell is behind that door," he says.

I go along and put it with the strap he gave me under my jacket.

As break the door open I see Elizabeth strapped to a chair in the middle of the room. That's odd.

I grab Peter's shoulders and pull him down to the ground with me as the sound of auto-rifles go off.

A man who was behind me had been shot by the bullet.

A big gunfight occurs then ends with the last body of the sixteen men guarding. A few agents died, then it came to getting Liz out of here.

Alex Hunter

I see a red dot appearing on Neal's chest then I decide to do it.

A sniper bullet went straight threw the glass of the warehouse and...

Narrator's Point of View

The bullet hit her on the side of her, and Alex's body fell into Neal's arms.

"Alex! No! Please! Don't die! No...," Says Neal.

Alex then says,"This would have happened either way. Best buds....."

They kissed for two seconds then Alex's body dropped and died in the arms of his.

There was an exit wound on her back, where Neal's arm was place and her blood is on his hands.


Not over by the way.

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