Chapter 3

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Natalie sat with Flynn at the coffee shop down the road from their high school. They were regulars there, it was tradition for them to go after school every Thursday. 

"Supposedly, the FBI is here, but I haven't seen a single agent at school. Don't you find that strange?" Flynn asked.

Natalie nodded, she thought back to Mr. Gray. He was an awkward man which was normal for young substitutes but there was just something off.

"Did you have Mr. Gray?" she asked.

"Yeah, he was the awkward substitute with the long hair, right?" Flynn took a sip of his coffee and began to read the assignment he had in his hands. "What about him?" he asked, glancing up.

Natalie leaned towards Flynn, "I think I saw a gun coming out of the waistline in his pants," she whispered. 

"He could have it for protection," Flynn shrugged.

"That doesn't shock you?" Natalie whispered harshly.

Flynn shook his head and checked his phone, "There was another murder," he frowned.

"Who was killed?" Natalie asked, nervously.

"Matt Reynolds," Flynn said, handing Natalie his phone.

"Quarterback of the football team, and the most popular guy at school," Natalie sighed, "This all seems like an angry kid,"

"An angry nobody," Flynn laughed.

"Oh c'mon, we're not exactly anybody," Natalie said frustrated. 

"You're a genius Natalie, one day you'll be something, so don't talk about yourself being a nobody. I can make jokes all I want. I'm just a talented musician, nothing else,"

Natalie frowned and handed Flynn his phone. He was right, she could do anything and as much as her life sucked, her future was set. She's have a good job with no problems, but Flynn only had his music. 

"Well if that's all you are, then don't just be a talented musician, be the best musician,"


"Good morning class," Reid greeted everyone as they entered the classroom.

The students were greeted with an unhappy surprise, there was a test on the desks. A few of them groaned before sitting down.

"This test won't effect your grade, I just want to see how much you guys know about basic chemistry. All I ask is that you guys do your best on it," 

Natalie rolled her eyes and sat down at her desk. The test in front of her wasn't anything outrageous, anyone could do well on it. She glanced at the first question, it was an easy electron configuration question. Although she knew the answer, Natalie purposefully put the wrong one.

Unbeknownst to Natalie, Spencer saw her breeze through the test and stop at three questions. It was obvious to him that she was purposefully doing this. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Hotch.

Might have a lead.


"The same exact question numbers are wrong," JJ said, comparing the test she handed out to Reid's.

The team was at the police precinct discussing the case. It was late and they were all extremely tired. Natalie Cindy was their main topic of discussion. Everyone, minus Reid, thought she matched the profile perfectly.

They added Natalie to the list of possible suspects. She was obviously a bright kid and judging by the 'B' marked on the teachers that were murdered, it made sense. Emily pinned a picture of Natalie onto the board.

"Wait!" Reid exclaimed, "Matt Reynolds, the quarterback, our most recent victim. There's no connection between Natalie and him," 

"Actually, there his," said Hotch as he entered the room, "I just spoke with his parents. The two of them worked on a project together last year. They got a B,"

"The profile makes sense, that it's someone with a vengeance, I just don't think it's her," Reid said. He picked up one of the tests Natalie took, "Why would she purposefully get these questions wrong, and then murder people who gave her B's. It doesn't make any sense,"

"Let's watch her closely, Morgan and Reid go talk to her parents," Hotch was cutoff by Garcia's voice on the phone.

"Foster parents, her parents disappeared when she was thirteen and then pronounced dead shortly after. Without their bodies even being found," said Garcia.

"That's terrible," Emily frowned.

"Okay then, talk to her foster parents,"

"Can we go tomorrow morning? It's late and tomorrow's Saturday anyway," Morgan asked.

"Fine, go tomorrow morning. For right now, get back to the hotel and get some sleep. We need fresh minds for this case," Hotch said.

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