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Harry and the boys of one direction are on the tour bus asleep. It is 11:55 p.m. on January 31, 2015. In five minutes it will be Harry Styles birthday. But something has been bugging him for about five months now. Harry has not been feeling well since September 1, 2015. But it was just restlessness at first. Not many symptoms made their self-known in until January 1, 2016. Harry is beginning to be able to hide his pain really well. He is able to mask the symptoms with Tylenol, or aspirin. Harry has been using Excedrin for headaches. The boys figured out Harry was hiding something which was true and it has been going on for a while.

As the night goes on Harry is laying down in his bunk. He has been hiding some important symptoms that he has started to developing lately. Harry was beginning to feel so uncomfortable and cannot sit still for long. This has been going on for a couple days now. He has been feeling nauseous so much that it comes and goes now. He has been vomiting 2-3 times a day. Tonight he feels extremely bloated and very gassy. He is also starting to lose weight. And is starting to develop sharp stabbing pains in his upper right portion of his abdomen that started to come and go. Thought the day and night. But Harry thinks he has to be strong and keep himself together with no matter what happens to him. He noticed that he has not been going to the bathroom as much. It beginning to really hurt in the bathroom. He is not Well not well at all.

As Harry struggles during the night with some severe insomnia. He knows that his schedule is full for the next five years straight. Tomorrow is a concert in Columbus Ohio. They are after all on tour with Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC and NKOTB AND ONE DIRECTION are all on Tour together. The whole tour has six photo shoots tomorrow. He has four press interviews and 3 interviews, as well as 2 meetings and one big lunch meeting, He has rehearsal and sound check, and of course, there's a meet and greet with their fans, the concert and then the afterparty. Harry is trying to not scream out in pain. Just then his breath catches, A Sudden but intensifying sharp pain strikes throughout his body it is located in an upper right portion of his abdomen. And in the center of his abdomen just below his breastbone. He ended up having pain in between his shoulders blades and in his right shoulder. And is moving up and down his back. It took everything for Harry not to scream out. Tears were streaming down his face, luckily the pain went away after 45 minutes. Afterward, Harry gets up and runs in the bathroom gets in the medicine cabinet and get some Tylenol. He realized it is 5:50 in the morning and he should just take a shower and pray that he can make it through the day.

Liam wakes up next right after Harry has got in the shower. He managed to wash himself and wash his hair. Just as Liam begins to pound on the door. Telling whoever was in there to get out and let him in . Harry was done with his shower and yelled to hold on for a few minuites. Then the pain is back and begins to come back worse then the last one. and he feels extremely nauseous and knew he was going to vomit. He leans over the toilet and got violently sick. This lasted for about 20 minutes. Harry now has a migraine and a fever. He cleans up his mess and leaves the bathroom . Goes and lays down in the back. Louis wakes up and goes in the back and calls Eleanor at home after all she is pregnant with Twins. Louis sees Harry laying down he goes over to him asking are you ok. Harry replies he just tired and has a small upset stomach.

Liam also checks in on Harry to see if he is feeling alright. He asked if he was up and ready for the day. Harry just closed his eyes and fell asleep. Liam tells louis to leave Harry here and get some more rest until everyone else is ready to leave . Louis was worried about Harry is not been acting himself he notices his facial features have been in a lot of pain lately . Louis has this terrified feeling that something is gonna shake of one direction in this tour . Liam sees the look in the Louis and said would you feel better if I talk to Paul and see what we can do to help Harry. We just got get though this day and he walked out of the room grab the trashcan said to by Harry's blanket . Then louis goes and gets ready for the day. The both go and wake up Niall together. Lately Niall been having nightmares and he is keeping to him self. So when he woke up he had a splitting headache. He gets up and gets ready for the day. He is completely dreading what they got going on to day. When everyone was ready to leave, they woke up Harry who was in the middle of another painful moment. He made it look like it was nothing serious going on with him. But in reality something going on that no one ever would have guessed. What is wrong with Harry will he get the help he needs before it is too late.....

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