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In honor of the one and only Harry Styles for his birthday

Harry woke up in the middle of the night feeling sick not knowing it is his Birthday yet. His stomach is just so upset and angry today. He began to not feel alright three days ago. But now he was just too busy to be even deal with being sick. The past week they have been stuck in their management office. Working on their new Album and coming back from break. Today alone they have meeting  after meeting with writers and producers and everyone it takes to make a album. Harry knows that it not ok to skip out on to day.

 It first started with a dry throat and stuffy nose. Next day he started sneezing  and coughing non stop all day. Today though he woke up he has body aches a small headache right behind his eyes and in his sinuses. He feels like this headache if effecting is aura. He knows that there no way he can not miss today. They are having a huge writing session today with the one and only Pharrell  Williams for two hours. Then there going to be two more producers in the morning. Then they have a lunch meeting with the head team of management.

He feel so bad that he has no energy this morning. But he gets up out of bed and goes to the bathroom to get ready. As he is in the shower he feels so dizzy and nauseous. He realized quickly he has a high fever and is freezing. He quickly gets out of his shower before he passes out. Then he realizes it February 1st. It dawns on his 23th Birthday today. He  is also home alone on his birthday since he does not have a gal to spend it with. He is sick as a dog and he wants to stay home or he wants his Mother and his sister to be here with him. As he is getting dressed he feels cramps in his stomach and his whole digestive system just about let loose from both ends. Then he managed to make it to to the toilet. He spent 45 minutes on the toilet and his head in the trashcan. When he is done he gets up gets ready to leave. It snowing hard out this morning.  But the meteorologist predicts it only going to get worse by tonight.

On his way to the management office he keeps getting nauseas. He had to stop at lease three times to stop and get sick on the side of the road to vomit. Once he makes it to the office he has to run in the bathroom. By now he so sick that all he wants to do go back to bed. He is still getting sick when he passes out from the dizziness and from his headache that is becoming a migraine quickly.

Liam comes in to the bathroom to pee himself. He hears someone getting violently sick. Liam goes to the bathroom first then he goes and checks to see if the person needs his help. When he finds out that it is Harry he automatically turns into the mode known as Daddy Direction. He goes to Harry and checks him out. Oh Harry I see you are sick again and it is your Birthday Liam says to Harry as he still vomiting hard . Harry just whimpers his answer. Suddenly he feels his other end exploding with more diarrhea. Liam quickly sees what happened and asked if he has extra clothes in his SUV. Harry nods his head as he lays his head down on the cold tile floor and cries. Oh Harry do you want me to get Niall to go get them or have him stay here. Harry whispers for Niall to get them.

Liam texts Niall to come in the bathroom quickly and quietly. Niall texted back that he is on his way. But Management in here waiting on you and Harry. They are getting really irritable to both him and Louis. Liam texted back to bring Paul or Simon then with him. Niall texted back saying there on their way now.

When the All came with him they found the problem. When they saw Harry vomiting again on the floor and the messey wet stain in the back of Harry's sweatpants. They all grumbling under their breath and left. Paul and Simon both stayed to help out. Niall goes over and gets the keys from Harry coat pocket. And runs out the door to find the SUV and get his stuff for Harry to clean up with. He get a huge duffle bag filled with clothes, a blanket and other things Harry packed this morning. He runs back in and drops the bag off. And gets out a track suit for Harry. 

    Back in the bathroom

  (Updated 8-7-17) Harry if you are this ill you could have stayed home. Harry looks at Paul no I could not. What about our only session with Pharrell. Harry we would have dealt with that...

... more to come please come back and check for more. Vote please!add Comments to this story. And if you are a author who likes stories like this. Go to my sick prompts books. I make them for you to write them in to a story.

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