Day off... (part 1)

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I wake up to the sun in my face, I stretch and sit up to see the time 10:15am Oh great I'm late. Well might as Well go grab some breakfast. I get up and walk downstairs in my pajamas and make my way to the kitchen as I approach the kitchen I see a letter on the table from my mom.

My mom stayed with me all night till I fell asleep actually, I couldn't stop crying. I asked mom about Derek's body she said it wasn't there, so now I know for a fact he lived, last night I had to take a shower because I had blood all over me.... my thoughts were interrupted by my doorbell, I walk to open the door only to be greeted by Allison.

"Oh Uh..." was all I say.

"Shay I know your mad at me and I'm sorry, Shay I'm so sorry for being a bitch and being rude to you! Shay your my bestfriend I will always love you, Shay your like a sister.. and so is Lydia and she is mad at me, Shay I can't lose you and her, not after I just lost Scott." Allison says I don't let her finish anymore I pull her in and hug her as she crises on my shoulder.

"Allison I forgive you now come in I'm about to make breakfast Well cereal do you want some." I ask she nods and sure at the car stools. "Allison your in your pajamas did you not go to school?" I questioned.

She chuckles "Shay school got canceled for Thursday and Friday, and i woke up at like 6 this morning and went for a drive to clear my head, I notice the time and found myself near your house, so I came here."

I make our cereal and hand her a bowl and sit next to her. "Well I'm happy we made up now it's you and lyds."

"Shay honestly I didn't know Jackson was flirting or not even caring about Lydia, I feel like shit for what happened all last night I could only think about what you said." Allison says with an aspirated sigh.

"Allison I shouldn't have said that, I...I was worried about Scott and Lydia's feelings whiles working about stiles and you along with Jackson, I mean I was the only one with a weapon, then we don't knows if Jackson handed the right ingredient."

"Shay it's Okay, I promise."

"Actually what happened with Scott? You know you said you 'lost him' " I ask as to what she meant by that.

"Oh in we broke up, or I broke up with him, Shay he wasn't honest I can't do secrets, Well lies anyway."

"Okay but what if it was yo protect you." I say.

"Then Yea thats different I guess, but he made me lose my mind."

"Allison listen, take your time but not to long, Scott loves you more then anything and you love him, keeping secrets with Scott means he is trying to do what's best for you, and protect you." I says smiling she smiles back and hugs me.

"Thanks Shay, for everything including feeding me.. but I have to get home I am still grounded and I left without telling anyone so my grounding might be extended." I laugh.

"Really Allison your asking for trouble aren't you, but your welcome." I say walking her to the door and hugging her.

"Love you Shay bye." Allison says walking out to her car.

"Love you too Al." I say she waves one more time before leaving, I clean the dishes and go upstairs to get dress, I put on washes blue short overalls with a black crop tip underneath and my black combat boots, I braid my hair to a simple side braid. I grab my phone and bag and walk downstairs as I pass the kitchen I see the note. I walk up to read it.

Shay your probably wondering why I didn't wake you... Well it's cause school called your out for Thursday and Friday yay for you boo for me cause I will still be working but Mr.stilinski said I could leave if you called because of your stressful night.... knowing you I would say make sure homework is done but I know you already did it.. so enjoy your days off, but tomorrow night is family dinner a guest is coming so be ready, love you Shayla.

protect me (stiles stilinski) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now