Not in the mood.

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I arrive at school just in a pissy mood, Lydia sees and pulls me to our locker.

"What the hell is wrong you've been giving everyone the death glare." Lydia asked.

"Ugh it's Stiles, Scott told him I kissed him, Stiles said he didn't trust me, now I'm taking a break from both of them." I say shoving books angrly on my locker.

"Whoa someone is mad." Allison says walking up.

"You have no idea I say slaming my locker closed.

"Hey... hey Shay chill okay, you and Stiles will fix this.." Lydia says hugging me I hug back, but soon Lydia and I are pushed over hard. I look to see Greenberg laughing that's it I've had enough. I help lydia up. "Lyds hold this." I say handing her my stuff and walking over to Greenberg.

"Wait Shay he isn't worth it." Lydia says coming behind me.

"Yea Shay I'm not worth it, listen you your lesbian lover." He taunts.

"Yea Shay she is right." Allison says touching my shoulder.

"Yea look at you Shay, your short...." he didn't finish as I grab his hand and turn him around and fold it behind his back.

"What we're you saying." I taunt.

"Guys help." He says to his friends they come towards me, one tries and grabs me. I turn around a duck, I grab him and flip him on his back stepping on his stomach, then the other friend charges at me as I push him in his chest and punch him In his face I hear the crack in his noes, then Greenberg grabs me..

Stiles pov.
I walk in school with Scott, he's talking about getting the necklace from Allison and all I can think about is Shay, she is so mad at me Scott admitted he kissed her.

"This is gonna be impossible, you know." Scott says.

"Yea, um Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" I say.

"How?" Scott questions.

I roll me eyes. "It's easy. You just say, "Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an Alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you."

"You're not helping."

"Well sorry scott my girlfriend is pissed at me and you by the way."

"I know She won't talk to me. I have texted her over a thousand times."

"Yea well I'm gonna talk to her, today if it's the last thing that..." I'm cut off by the sight of Shay whipping Greenbergs ass, Lydia comes up to us.

"Stiles stop her she won't stop on has a broken nose." Lydia says in panic. I nod and walk over to Shay stepping on Greenbergs hand.

"Lets see how well you..." Shay was cut off by me.

"Shay look, you need to stop hurting him won't solve anything, come here you have a cut on your arm let's get it looked at." I say giving Scott my bag and moving over to Shay and grabbing her hand. She stiffens but relaxes and nods, once I grab her Greenberg runs away, I take Shay to the locker room with Scott.

"Shay what happened?" I ask she ignore me.

"Shay you have to talk to us." Scott pleads.

"Actually I don't, I can survive without you." She spits out okay the one stung.

"Shay look I'm sorry, I really am." Scott says sadly.

"Scott I don't care, Stiles I really don't care what you have to say, Greenberg should be happy you guys saved him beforebi ripped him apart." She says standing up.

protect me (stiles stilinski) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now