I Promise

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"What happened?"

"I saw my ex-girlfriend today." I replied. Her face dropped a bit.


"She tried to kiss me." Kat nodded. "I pushed her away before she could even reach my cheek. I swear that I would never do that to you. Her and I were over years before you and I met. You can ask the guys. I told her I was happily married and that we were trying for a baby in which all the guys mouths dropped. She tried to kiss me again and I pushed her away again. She got pissed and left. That was it." Kat looked at me then wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me.

"Thank you for telling me the truth, Ricky. I believe you." Thank fuck.

"You're not mad at me?" I questioned. What the hell is wrong with me? I really have to stop sticking my foot in my mouth.

"Unless you tried to kiss her, which I don't believe, then no."

"I didn't so we're good. I couldn't do that to you. To us. To what we have. Especially now. Scratch that, especially ever. Because we're trying to start a family. And that's something that I don't want to ruin. I love you and when you finally get pregnant, I'll love our baby too. For fucks sake, I already do and we don't even know if you're pregnant!" I sighed contently. She smiled and pecked my lips. What did I ever do to deserve this woman?

"You're too sweet, Ricky. I love you too. And we just have to keep trying for a baby. We'll get to experience that joy soon. I can feel it." She replied. I wrapped my arms around her and buried my face in her hair.

"You're the best wife anyone could ask for." I murmured.

"You're the best husband anyone could ask for." Kat giggled. I smiled and kissed her shoulder.

***Few Weeks Later, Kat's POV***

I am sick. And not 'I have morning sickness' sick. I have the fucking flu. But the nice part is that Ricky is taking complete care of me. I really love my husband.

"How you feeling baby?" Ricky asked softly, waking into the room with a teddy bear. He always gets me little gifts to make me feel better. And they're always so cute. This one was red with a black bow as it held a heart that says 'I love you.'

"Like death." I wheezed out. He gave me a lopsided grin. "I wish I could kiss you. You look so damn cute." He laughed then kissed my forehead, handing me the teddy bear. I curled up with it and closed my eyes.

"I love you, Kat." He whispered. I smiled and opened my eyes.

"I love you too, Ricky." I replied hoarsely. "Will you snuggle with me?"

"Of course." He replied, crawling onto the bed and laying behind me. Ricky wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him.

"How was your day?" I whispered, not wanting to strain my voice.

"It was fine. I'd ask you about yours but I think I already know." He replied, chuckling at the end.

"True." I giggled. I turned around in his arms and faced him. Ricky kissed my nose, making me grin. I buried my face in his chest and breathed in his scent. He smells amazing. "You smell good."

"Thank you?" He laughed. "Why were you smelling me?"

"You always smell good. I just happened to bury my face in your chest and take a breath. Don't judge me."

"Not judging, just wondering." Ricky chuckled lightly. "So, Korel and your manager are setting up a tour for our bands."

"Really?! When?!" I exclaimed, Well, tried. I started hacking like crazy.

"In a month or so, when you feel better." Ricky said, rubbing my back softly. I laid on my stomach and groaned.

"Ricky?" I asked with a baby voice.

"Yes?" Ricky replied, kissing my shoulder.

"Can you give me a back massage? Pretty please?" I asked, turning slightly to give him my puppy dog eyes. He can't resist my puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. Take your shirt off."

"I know they say that having sex when you have a cold apparently helps but I'm not getting you sick." I announced, cocking my eyebrow at him.

"I wasn't trying to make it lead into sex with you. I know you're really warm and my hands are always cold." He explained, somewhat laughing. His hands were raised in defense.

"Oh." I replied. "Shows how out of it I am."

"It's okay. I love you." He said, helping me out of my shirt before placing a kiss at the base of my neck.

"I love you too." Ricky started working his hands up and down my back, working out all the knots and such. "How is the new album coming along?"

"Good. Just finished a song. We're going to run it across Tim and see what he thinks."

"Are you guys going to have him produce this record or no?"

"We don't know yet. This song, most likely. As for the entire album, probably not." Ricky replied softly, rubbing out a knot in my lower back. "What about you guys? How far are you guys?"

"Um, we've got a few songs finished. Ron wants to go a certain direction with this album."

"What direction is that?"

"Pop-punk. Granted, I do like some pop-punk and a song or two from us like that wouldn't be bad. I just don't feel that we should make an entire album of it. We're not pop-punk. We're like, Motionless In White meets All Time Low."

"That has to be the best damn analogy I have ever heard." Ricky chuckled. "Have you talked to Ron about it?"

"Yes and he still feels that it would be a good idea. I don't want to lose fans over a switch like that. I want to gain more."

"I understand."

"Not saying that I'm aiming to have a shit-load of fans like Metallica. I just want to have a diverse crowd. I want to look out and see some kid wearing one of my shirts and then another wearing an Eminem shirt."

"Eminem?" He questions, rubbing my shoulders.

"You can't say anything, Ricky. The first album you ever bought was The Marshall Mathers LP."

"I was a teenager!" He defended with a cute little laugh.

"And? I'm only twenty-six!"

"That's old." Ricky snorted.

"Now you definitely cannot talk! You are thirty-one!" I stated.

"No comment." He replied.

"I win. I'm counting that as a win."

"Of course you are!" Ricky chuckled.

"Shut up." I giggled lightly. "Can you believe we've been together almost five years?"

"Seems like just yesterday that I saw you standing next to Chris." Ricky murmured against my neck.

"It's been an amazing five years, baby." I whispered. I felt Ricky smile against my neck, making me grin.

"Yes it has." Ricky kissed my neck a few times. "Here is to five more years. Then another five. And another five. So on and so on."

"I love you, Ricky."

"I love you, Kat." Without thinking, Ricky grabbed my face lightly and gave me a loving kiss.

"You're going to get sick." I complained against his lips.

"Don't care. You're my wife. I'm going to kiss you whenever I please because I love you."

"You're too sweet."

"Only to you, babe."

I've got a husband who loves me, pampers me, takes care of me, and treats me like a princess. I can only imagine what kind of dad he'll be.

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