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***Third Hotel Stay, Kat's POV***

I feel fucking awful. I cannot stop vomiting. I haven't told Ricky yet but I think I'm pregnant. I asked Paisley to get me a test. Which I was fucking thankful for. Ricky was talking with the guys and making sure everything was in order for their portion of the concert. There was a knock on the door, opening it, Paisley shoved a test in my hand and walked into the room.

"Thank you so much." I mumbled, walking into the bathroom. Five minutes. I have to wait five fucking minutes once I'm done. Sheesh. I quickly did my business then set the timer on my phone for five minutes.

"Babe, we're going out to dinner." Ricky said. When the hell did he get in here?

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I washed my hands and tossed the test into the garbage. I'm probably not pregnant. I walked out of the bathroom and slipped on my shoes. Ricky laced his fingers through mine and pulled me close.

"How you feeling?"

"Better." I replied, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Good." Ricky said happily. I smiled and kissed our intertwined hands.

"I love you."

"I love you too." He replied, pecking my lips.


We were at Buffalo Wild Wings. I don't care that they all eat meat. But boy did I feel nauseous. And tired as hell.

"Babe, you look deathly pale. And not like you usually do." Ricky whispered.
"Can we go back to the hotel room? I think I just need some rest." I whispered back. He nodded then we stood up.

"We're going to head back to the hotel. Kat isn't feeling well." There were a chorus of goodbyes then we left.

***Hotel, Ricky's POV***

I laid Kat down on the bed and she instantly fell asleep. She must really feel like shit if she's that tired. I pulled the blanket over and kissed her head. Then it hit me: I really have to fucking piss. I ran into the bathroom and did my business. Once I was finished, I washed my hands and went to hang the towel back up when I noticed something in the trash can. What the hell would need a box? I picked it up and almost passed out. It was a pregnancy test. Reading the box, I saw that it says two pink lines means pregnant. Where the hell is the test? I looked down and sure enough, there it was. She covered the end back up, thank God. Yeah, she's my wife and I know that I stick my you-know-what in her you-know-what but that's different. Grabbing the test, I looked at the little screen-thing. Two. Pink. Lines. Kat's-Kat's pregnant! Oh my fuck! That's why Paisley was in the room! I've got to call her. If Kat doesn't know then I want to surprise her. Dialing Paisley's number, I stuck my head out of the bathroom and saw that Kat was still sleeping.

"What's up, wiener boy?"

"Seriously? You know what, never mind. Did Kat say anything about being pregnant?"

"She asked me to get the test for her. But you walked in before she could see the results. Is it positive?"

"N-no." I lied. I want everyone to be surprised. "Unfortunately."

"I'm sorry, Ricky."

"It's fine. I'll talk to you later." I hung up and tossed the test in the box and hid it in my suitcase. I'm going to plan this out as perfectly as possible. I can't wait to see her face. How many husbands get to tell their wives that they're pregnant? Not many, my friend.

***Few Hours Later, Kat's POV***

I woke up and stretched. Looking around for Ricky, I saw him sitting at the table on his laptop. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"Much, much better." I replied. I stood up and walked over to Ricky, plopping myself into his lap. "Sorry that we had to leave dinner early."

"It's okay. I'm not going to make you stay somewhere if you feel sick." He said, rubbing my side.



"Do you think I'll ever get pregnant?"

"Yes. We just have to keep trying." He replied, kissing my wrist. "It'll happen, don't worry."

"I know. I just really want to start a family with you, Ricky."

"I want to start one with you too. It'll happen. Just got to be patient."

"I know, I know." I said softly. "So what are you doing?"

"Reading my usual shit, you know." He replied.

"Well how about you come and cuddle with your wife? I'm in a cuddling mood." I giggled. Ricky repositioned me then picked me up before laying me down on the bed. We crawled under the blanket and I curled up next to him. "You're really warm."

"You're really cold."

"Just cuddle me you dork." I giggled. Ricky chuckled then pulled me close. "You're going to make a great dad, Ricky."

"How do you know that?"

"You're a kind, wonderful, caring, supportive person who would do anything for the ones you love." I replied, stroking his chest with my forefinger.

"I don't know about that but I know that you'll be a wonderful mommy." He said softly. "I know you feel that we won't have a baby any time soon but trust me, we will." I looked up at Ricky and smiled. "It'll all fall into place, Kat. I promise you that."

***Ricky's POV***

It is so fucking hard to keep this from her but it'll be worth it in the end. I ended up having to tell my band because I needed help but that's it. No one else knows.

"You know what'll make me feel better?" Kat asked, moving so she was straddling my lap.

"What's that?" I asked.

"My husband making love to me." She replied, leaning forward and putting her chin on my chest. I couldn't help but grin at how adorable she looked. "Please?" She begged, using her puppy dog eyes. I flipped us over and hovered over her.

"You have me whipped, you know that, right?" I growled playfully.

"Mhm. Oh yes. And I use it to advantage all the time." She giggled. I smiled and kissed her softly.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back.

Well...I can tell you this: we made love all night. Round after countless round. I practically worship my wife's body. And nothing will ever change how I feel about her.

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