Ryder Allen Olson

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***Few Months After Tour***

"Ricky, come feel. Ryder is kicking." I said excitedly. Ricky ran into the room and hopped onto the bed. As soon as his hands were on my belly, his face grew a mile wide smile.

"I'm going to miss this. Him kicking. But holding him will be so much better." Ricky said, laying his head on my belly.

"I feel the same way. I can't wait for him to be here. It's hard to believe that his due date is in two days." I replied, running my fingers through his hair.

"Do you think he'll look like me?" He asked, still rubbing my belly.

"Definitely. Same blue eyes, the same gorgeously soft hair, the same beautiful smile. I think he'll pass for your twin, babe." I giggled. Ricky smiled then kissed my belly. Without any notice, Ryder literally rolled inside my belly. Ricky and I actually watched his head roll against the skin.
It was fucking weird. "That was just plain weird. I never want to see that happen again."

"Agreed." He replied.

***Next Day***

Ricky went to do some final shopping before Ryder gets here. He's so excited for Ryder to arrive. He's been buying just about every baby thing he thinks Ryder will need.

Babe, look what I find for Ryder. (Picture above/to the side)

It's so cute! I love it!

I figured you would. I'm almost done. I'll be home soon. I love you.

Drive safe. I love you too. :*

***Ricky's POV***

Drive safe. I love you too. :* Kat sent. I couldn't help but smile. As I was walking, I accidentally ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry-" I stopped when I saw who it was. Why do I always seem to run into my exes? I tried to walk around but she grabbed my arm, making me turn towards her.

"Hey Ricky."

"Jessica." I stated.

"Are Allie and Ryan having a baby?" She questioned.

"No. It's-"

"Kylie and Devin?"

"No, Jessica. If you-"

"Josh and Ryan-Ashley?"

"Jessica! None of them are having a baby! If you'd actually listen and stop interrupting me, you would know by now that my wife and I are having a baby. All the baby stuff is for my son. Now leave me alone."

"I thought you didn't want kids? And that you didn't care to be married." Jessica questioned. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. "You said that they weren't your thing. And that marriage was a pointless concept." She emphasized the last word.

"I met someone who changed my mind. Now look at me. I'm having a baby with my wife of five, almost six, years now." I replied smugly then started to walk away.

"You don't love her the way you loved me, Ricky!" She yelled. Why does she have to be so loud?

"You're right. I'm in love with my wife where as I only thought I loved you. I want to be with my wife till the end. She's the one I want to wake up next to every morning. Not you. I can't wait till our son is born because it's someone the two of us will forever get to cherish and love as one. She is the one. I've thought that since the day I met her. I never even came close to thinking about that about you. Have a nice life, Jessica. I'm going home to mine."

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