Surprise, Baby

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***A Day And A Half Later***

I was finishing setting up the stage with the guys for when I surprise Kat. I'm so excited. This is huge.

"So, Rick, on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you to be a dad?" Balz asked.

"Definitely a ten, man." I replied with a smile.

"How excited do you think Kat will be when you tell her she's pregnant?" Vinny asked, pinning up blue streamer.

"Hopefully very excited. She's been really upset lately that we've been having a hard time with it all." I said softly. "This will hopefully get her out of that."

***Concert, Kat's POV***

For some reason, the boys thought it'd be hilarious to decorate the stage with blue and pink streamers along with balloons. It was entertaining actually.

"Can we have our very own Mrs. Horror come on stage?" Chris asked into the mic. I walked on stage and stood by Ricky. "So I bet you're all wondering why we have the stage decorated in such a peculiar way."

"Yes!" The crowd chanted.

"Haha. So Rick here is going to explain this to you all." I looked at Ricky and he just smiled at me.

"Kat, I love you. A lot. And I never thought that'd I would get to do this. But I'm going to milk it for all it's worth." Ricky said. "I want you to look right above Vinny." I did as he said, holding his hand firmly. Ricky made a motion to someone and a banner dropped...along with my jaw. There were two pink lines and underneath, it said:

Congratulations, Kat. You're pregnant. I love you and our baby.

Love, Ricky.

I looked at Ricky and he was smiling widely. The whole crowd was dead silent.

"How'd you find out?" I asked.

"The night we went back to the hotel from dinner. I saw the test and it was positive." I couldn't help but gasp in joy. I threw my arms around Ricky and that's when the whole crowd erupted in cheers. "It was so hard not to tell you. But the surprise your face was worth it."

"I love you so much. You're amazing!" I said, kissing him passionately.

"Let's give it up for Ricky and Kat on becoming parents!" Chris cheered. The crowd went insane, making Ricky and I smile against each others lips.

***Few Hours Later, Ricky's POV***

Kat and I were back in the hotel for our last night. She was sitting in between my legs, her shirt was pulled up to reveal her small baby bunp. I was rubbing it softly with my thumbs.
"I can't believe we're having a baby, Ricky." She said softly. I could practically hear the smile in her voice. "Do you want a boy or a girl?"

"I think either would be great. But maybe a boy because if we end up having either baby later on and it's a girl, he could protect her." I replied, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"So you want to have more kids later on?" She questioned, looking at me.

"Maybe. We can think about it more later on." I said, giving her a soft kiss. Kat grinned and laid her head back on my shoulder. We sat there in a peaceful silence until my phone went off with a text from Chris.

Check this out man. I think you and Kat will dig this. (Video link)

I tapped the link and it brought up a video from tonight.

"Chris says we should watch this." I told Kat. I held up my phone and we watched the video. As we watched, my smile grew. It was a video of me telling Kat that she was pregnant.

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