Yours Truly

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***Few Months Later, Kat's POV***

Ryder was rolling around on the living room floor, giggling incessantly as Ricky and I watched. He rolled onto his belly near Ricky and started, well attempted to, crawl towards him.

"Come on, buddy. You can do it." Ricky encouraged. Ryder started moving his tiny little legs and hands to crawl. And after a little trying, he did. Ricky picked him up and held him up in the air, making silly faces at him. "You did it, Ryder! You crawled to daddy! I'm so proud of you!" Ryder started laughing, making Ricky and I smile widely. There was a knock at the door so I got up to get it. When I opened the door, there was a girl standing there.

"How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Ricky." She stated rudely. Ricky walked up behind me with Ryder.

"I think we should- why are you here, Jessica?"

"Because I want you back, Ricky." Oh jeeze.

"He's married, you know that right?" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"I don't ca-"

"His wife, who happens to be me, does care. Please leave before I call the cops."

"You're his wife?" She gasped.

"Yes?" I responded confused.

"Aren't you the lawyer from his case?"

"Doesn't matter. Leave, Jessica." Ricky snapped then shut the door. "I'm sorry about her."

"Don't be. It's her problem not yours." I said, kissing his cheek then lips.

"I love you." Ricky said softly.

"I love you too, baby. Now let's go watch a movie with little man."

"That sounds like a great idea. What do you say, Ryder?" Ryder just started giggling, making Ricky and I smile. "I'll take that as a yes."

***That Evening***

Ricky was passed out cold on the floor with Ryder asleep on his chest. It was one of the cutest things ever. Ricky is such a great father. I could not ask for anyone better. For a father or for a husband. To think, if I would have stayed with Luke, I would have never gotten to experience it. Luke didn't want kids. I still think about that conversation every once in awhile. Like when I found out I was pregnant with Ryder. And when I went into labor. But only for short moments. I had more important things to worry about. I just never forget it because of how much it hurt me.

***Flashback Several Years***

Luke and I were cooking dinner together. Something we do once a week. Just something so we can spend time together being that we're both lawyers. I always thought I would end up with a rockstar. Not that I don't love Luke. I just saw my future...differently.

"So I was thinking about something." I said, chopping up some vegetables.

"What's that?"

"Maybe we could start thinking about having a baby."

"A baby? That's a good one." Luke chuckled.

"Luke, I'm being serious."

"Why do you want a kid?"

"I've told you from day one that I've always wanted to have a family. And you said the same."

"I only said that to get in your pants but then I married you." I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh. "Kat, I love you and I want you to be happy but I don't want kids. I like kids. I just don't want any of my own."

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