Fair Weather Friend

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"AH!" He yelled, and back pedaled only to fall over a piece of debris and fall flat on his back. The triceratops, if that was what it was called, looked much less frightening in the sunlight. It waddled over to him and began to sniff his hands. It even bumped his side, trying to flip him over onto his stomach. It was the cutest dinosaur attack ever, James had to admit as the little thing, about the size of a doberman, licked his hands asking for treats. He sat up and began to pet the triceratops around its little frill and he felt long bumps along its neck.

"You poor thing, what happened?" James began to examine the dinosaur closer and noticed that there were claw marks along its back, as well as the remains of a saddle. This must have been a part of one of the attractions, James thought, one of the pterodactyls must have tried to fly off with him.

James looked around the hotel lobby again. The dinosaur in front of him must have eaten what was left of the hotel breakfast, so it wasn't much use to scavenge in there. James decided to move onto the first hotel. He pulled out the pamphlet with the map on it again. The restaurant next to the hotel was wrecked beyond recognition, so he would have to go to the next one. He checked the map again. Not counting the various small vending carts, apparently there were only two restaurants on the Island. The one close to the hotel, and one across the Mosasaurus lake next to the Pachy arena and gentle giants petting zoo.

Where his little sister and parents had been headed before the dinosaur fiasco.

James shook his head to clear it. He needed more water. He took out his water and took a swig. Refreshing. James felt something bump his back and turned to see the triceratops. Now that he was standing, he realized that it came up to his chest.

"You are big. You know that right?" James said, raising an eyebrow in the direction of the Triceratops. "See ya later bud." James grabbed his suitcase. "Oh wait!" He quickly swung his back pack around to the front and grabbed his camera. "They will never believe me when I get home unless I take pictures." He winked at the Triceratops as he turned on the camera and began taking pictures. He made sure to get one of the big hole in both walls and the debris littering the floor and the scratches on the walls.

"There we go. Okay, see ya around buddy." James said to the dinosaur and began the trek around the Mosasaurus cage to the other restaraunt. He heard some suspicious shuffling footsteps behind him. He kept walking. Fifteen minutes later, he was almost half way around the lake and the Triceratops was still following him. "Don't you have anything better to do?" He asked the dinosaur.

It was standing about ten feet from him, and when it heard his voice it did an adorable little shuffle that brought it right up to his side.

"You are too cute for your own good, you know that right?" The reptile rumbled something and bumped James' shoulder, nearly sending him sprawling onto the pavement. "Uh huh. A likely story. You can walk along beside me if it makes you feel better." James set off again and to his surprise the animal stayed right at his shoulder, loping along and looking pleased with itself.

James was amazed at all the damage to the buildings around the Mosasaurus lake. The buildings looked like slumped youth cut down in their prime. It was like a ghost town. It was so quiet, the sound of the suitcase wheels along the pavement and echoing off the walls of the abandoned buildings was deafening. The Triceratops eyed the suitcase, and then moved its gaze to James.

"Really?" It seemed to say.

"You try toting this thing around without it making noise and see how you do!" James said defensively. And now I am talking to a dinosaur, I am definitely loosing it, James thought to himself as he continued to walk. The drone of the suitcase continued, and the Triceratops began to look more irritated. Suddenly, with a burst of speed the triceratops ran ahead. Its tail, trailing behind, whacked the suitcase with and sent it soaring through the air into the Mosasaurus lake.

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