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Hello, it's me! It has been a little while since I have updated and I would like to say thank you to you the reader(s) who have kept after me with positive comments and messages. Without you, it would probably have taken me even longer to finish this. I know, it has taken me a ridiculously long time to put up this chapter (i didn't think writers block was a thing before) and it is by no means the last.

I have given myself a deadline, inspiration, and a better writing device, so hopefully I can continue this adventure and see it to a (happy?) end.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this chapter!


The Metriacanthosaurus had thankfully seemed to lose interest and meander away. The foursome​ were currently trying to drive their ATVs to the south east gate of the park. In their panic Mrs white had made a beeline south, not realizing she was doing so, and they had eventually realized they needed to correct their course.

"See anything?" James called up to Sam who had volunteered to climb a tree to see if he could scan for something useful. The young boy put a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun that had suddenly burst from the clouds. Steam began to rise from the top canopy of leaves as the water cycle began anew. Sam suddenly felt uncomfortably warm, and realized how thirsty he was. Licking his lips, Sam made one more scan, a glint of metal catching his eye.

"Yes! A little to the-" he checked the sun. If there was one thing his grandmother had drilled into him besides keeping his elbows off the table when he ate, it was how to always find north. "North west! Probably a mile, maybe less." Sam made one more sweep, making sure of his estimations, then began his decent.

"North west. We must have passed it trying to get away from that predator." Mrs. white mused aloud. Sam lighted on the jungle floor and brushed off his pants. He took a breath.

"One more thing, the sun is out." To emphasize his point, he gestured upwards. The wind just so happened to blow at the right time, rustling the leaves and allowing a few beams of light to grace the ground. "If there is one thing I know about giant lizards, they love sun."

James nodded, Mrs. White hummed thoughtfully, and Sara threw up her hands in disgust.

"Why can't we have just one thing go right for us? First we get carried away by Pteranodons, then we are almost eaten by a Trex, and-and-" she sat down on a four wheeler, suddenly aware of three sets of eyes on her. "And I just want to go home. So let's get going." She took her position on the four wheeler and folded her arms, looking away so that any embarrassing emotion on her face would remain hidden.

"She's right. We should get going before things start to move." James began to mount the ATV, but was stopped by Sam.

"Could I have a water bottle?"

"What was that?" Mrs. White called from her four wheeler. Sam groaned and mumbled something about not being two before correcting his statement, if with a little poison behind his words.

"May I have a water bottle?" James winked at Sam as he dug with one hand  through the backpack for a container of the precious clean substance. Grasping one, he tossed it to Sam in one fluid motion. Sam caught it with one hand, and jumped on behind his grandmother as he opened the bottle to take a swig. James revved his engine, the familiar vibrations calling memories of his middle school days up to the forefront of his mind, when his grandfather would take him out and about on the gravel roads around his farm. Not missing the revving, Mrs. White grinned mischievously and revved her own engine suddenly, causing the group to look at the old woman in surprise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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