pTerrible twos

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James lay on his back staring up at the young boy and girl who had lowered the rope from the hole in the aviary dome. The boy was small, with blond hair, blue eyes and freckles splattered across his cheeks. Continuing to talk, the boy nearly vibrated with excitement.

"I can't believe you did that! You ran through a Tyrannosaurus rex's legs! And to escape another predator! How badass is that?" He continued to talk at a rapid fire pace, spouting all sorts of nonsense about how James' plan should not have worked and how awesome it was that the t-Rex dispatched the other predator even though it was wounded. The torrent would have probably continued had a small hand not snaked its way around the boys mouth and silenced him.

"Sam, language!" A high, indignant voice said. James rotated his head do that he could see the girl standing next to Sam. Sam quieted, but responded to the voice by saying,

"But it was so cool!" The boy protested as the girl, about the same height as the boy James now knew as Sam, walked into view. She was also blond, but her hair was pulled back into a French braid that was slightly unraveling. Her blue eyes studied him intensely.

"That was my grandma on the back of that triceratops." She studied James face for recognition.

"You mean Mrs. White is your grandma?" He looked up incredulously at the two children, who he assumed were the twins he had heard about on the TV in his hotel room when he first woke up. Dang, that felt like forever ago, James thought.

They stood looking down at him, one set of blue eyes alight with excitement, and the other with intense scrutiny. Suddenly it clicked as to why Mrs. White had been up near the aviary, 'looking' as she had called it. James stood shakily, the effects of the most recent chase still heavy on his muscles. James wasn't even sure he had fully recovered from the first chase.

"You two," James began as he unslung the duffle bag from his back and onto the wire floor "wouldn't happen to have been carried off by pteronodons, would you?"

Sam and his sister's eyes widened. Sam began to babble again, this time about how James must be a master detective as well as a badass, but his sister silenced him.

"How did you know?" She said suspiciously. James chuckled to himself, but then whinced because the wound on his face still hurt like crazy. He must look frightening, he thought. He was sweaty, one half of his face was bloody and the eye on that side was sealed shut with blood. He couldn't even smile to ease some of the tension in this situation.

"Sorry, I must have made a rotten first impression. My name is James," He made his best attempt at a smile, but he thought it must have been more of a grimace, as he reached out with his right hand for a hand shake. "And your name is?" The girl, knowing an olive branch when she saw one, smiled back and shook Jame's hand.

"My name is Sara." She said, "and this idiot is my twin brother." Sam protested with a 'Hey!' and James chuckled.

"I must look like a mess. Sorry about my face, a baryonix bashed it with its tail. I can't smile at all." James demonstrated this fact by attempting another smile, but it came off as a creepy grimace again. Sam's eyes opened wide as James explained the wound on his face, and was about to start asking questions when his sister clapped her hand over his mouth again. James noticed that she didn't even look at her brother as she did it. She must get a lot of practice, James chuckled to himself.

"Any way" She said, "You traveled here with our grandma, does that mean that a boat or helicopter came back for us?" James sighed.

"No, I met your grandmother after I assume she came back from looking for you. Your grandmother never left the island. I woke up after all of the boats left and I thought I was alone on the island until I met Mrs. White." James looked over at Sara and Sam. Sam was about to open his mouth to ask about why James slept through the boats leaving, but his sister cut him off again.

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