Ain't No Mountain

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Hope often gives people energy they don't really have in a stressful situation, and this was also true for the twins. As soon as Sam and Sara were tasked with finding weapons so that they could get off the island, they ran around the small cabin like wild animals in a cage, searching every nook and cranny while Mrs. White combed through the emergency cabinet for extra ammo for her shot gun.

Mrs. White had also delegated the job of collecting portable food items and placing them in a medic backpack to James. It was a step up from the duffle bag, with hip straps to take the weight of the bag off of the shoulders and several easily accessible outer pockets. These he filled with easy snacks, such as granola bars, water bottles, and trail mix. In the main compartment he place heavier things at the bottom, such as cans, and then he placed softer items such as cheese and sausage that didn't need refrigeration in the middle, and bread on the top. James guessed they had about two days worth of food in the bag, if they could gather mangoes to make the packaged food last a little longer.

As James sat on the floor with the back pack between his legs to finish packing the food, he was startled by a baseball bat clattering to the floor next to him. He looked up to see a grinning Sam holding a second smaller bat.

"It looks like the people who stayed here played baseball to pass the time." Sam emphasized his point by swinging the his bat around the small space.

"Whoa there tiger." James said as he deflected a light swing with his forearm that would have hit his head. "Save those swings for something that's trying to eat you." This was the wrong thing to say. Sam sobered up instantly, clinging the bat to himself defensively.

"I keep forgetting that we could die here." He mumbled. James moved his mouth to offer encouragement, a rousing speech, anything to get the young kids mind off of the looming danger, but nothing came. He eventually decided that looking like a fish out of water was not helping the situation and closed his mouth, instead opting to look Sam in the eyes for a few moments. The two stared at each other in solemn silence that was broken only by Sara's shout of triumph.

"Guys! Look at what I found!" Sam instantly broke eye contact with James and ran into the main room. James sighed and got to his feet and followed, dragging the backpack behind him. It was now much heavier, since he had left medical supplies in the bag as well as adding food. He emerged into the main room and leaned the backpack against the futon, and looked to where the twins and Mrs. White were examining a blocky object on the table.

"Does it work?" Sam asked excitedly, and James crossed the room and peaked over their shoulders. It was a satellite phone. Mrs. White pressed buttons and the little phone powered on, and James heart soared, only to crash and burn when the screen flashed with the message,

"No Signal." Sara read. "So it won't work?"

"Not here." Mrs. White said. "It is probably having difficulty because of the storm, and because we are currently in a deep valley." James looked at the phone and noticed that it was on half battery.

"Sara, you didn't happen to find a charger with the phone, did you?" James asked, motioning to the life the battery had left. Sara hummed in thought before turning to a cabinet near the medical table. She moved several things around, bottles of pills fell out and chords for other devices, but no satellite phone charger.

"Nope. Nothing here." Sara disappointedly closes the cabinet and turned back to the group. "What do we do now?"

"Well first, let's turn it off to conserve batteries." Mrs. White said as James opened his mouth to say pretty much the same thing. He snapped it shut as Mrs. White started to give orders.

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