A Disclaimer And An Apology

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Disclaimer: In this next chapter, some technology and interactions that I have never had or used are written about as if I actually know what I am talking about. I did some research on the Internet, but I am not entirely sure if the information is accurate.

I used my creative license liberally in this chapter.

Apology: I AM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO PUT UP A NEW CHAPTER! To anyone who is still sticking around, thank you for waiting.

Writers block, fixing plot points, and crazy life events have kept me from writing.

It has never once crossed my mind to just stop writing this story. I keep running scenes through my head for my characters to live (some I am sure they hope I never bring to paper) and I am striving to finish this story.

All that to say: I tried to make this next chapter a little longer as a thank you for waiting. I hope you like it!

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