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James froze, and raised his hands. Almost as soon as he did so he heard a gleeful squeal.

"Granny!" Mrs. White, hearing her grandchildren, leaned the rifle barrel against the side of the door as she turned on the safety and held out her arms. The twins ran into her embrace, crying with joy while Mrs. White began to cry in relief. James watched the reunion for a few moments, then decided to speak.

"Some welcome, they get a hug and I get a gun pointed at my chest!" He crossed his arms, his eyes smiling at the older woman. Mrs. White playfully glared in his direction.

"With the way you struggled to open that door, you almost deserved it." At this, Sara and Sam collapsed into fits of giggles as the color of James' face turned an amazing shade of red. He spluttered

"But I- the door- but, oh come on. That's low." He finished with lamely. This caused Sara and Sam to dissolve further into laughter, and James gave up, turning around to close said door with a vengeance.  As he did so, a resounding rumble of thunder tolled as a cloud decided it was a great time to begin raining.

"Good thing the porch awning is covering the four wheeler." James said, but no one was paying attention to him as the twins were speaking over each other excitedly, catching up their grandmother on the events of the last three days. Mrs. White listened attentively, raising an eyebrow in Jame's direction when Sam began a rant about James being a bad-ass.  Sulking, James walked across the large main room and opened a door that led into a smaller room behind what he assumed to be an examination table. He opened the door, which opened inward this time, and flicked on a switch. To his surprise, the lights came on.

"Why do we have electricity?" He yelled over his shoulder.

"It has its own generator!" Mrs. White yelled back. James molded his face to show he was impressed, and walked deeper into the second room. It was covered in all sorts of medicine bottles, crates full of medical supplies, and James smiled as he spotted a fridge humming away in the corner.

James jumped over a crate in his hurry to get to the fridge. He yanked open the door, and grabbed the first edible thing he could see - half of an old subway sandwich. He couldn't tell what kind of sandwich it was, he didn't even care, it was food! He could barely even register the fact that the bread was kind of soggy. It felt amazing to have some kind of food other than mangoes in his system, and he could almost feel his stomach sigh in relief.

As he stuck the last bite in his mouth, James noticed an unopened bottle of water on a shelf next to the fridge. As he continued to scan the shelves one bottle turned into many, and James gaped at the surplus of water. He grabbed three bottles, still munching on the sandwich he walked back to the main room where Sam and Sara were still regaling their grandmother with tales, this time of their own bravery.

"Sorry to interrupt." He said, and handed water to eager outstretched hands that opened the precious bottle almost as soon as they had full possession of it. The twins drank eagerly, their grandmother reminding them to slow down so that they wouldn't get sick.

"Is there any food?" Sam said between sips.

"I'll go check." James said, and turned back around to do a more thorough search of the storage room. He had been so intent on the fridge, sandwitch and water that he had forgotten to look for more food on the other shelves. That was stupid, he reprimanded himself, that lack of attention could get someone killed. He was brought back into the moment when Mrs. White called out,

"Look on the shelf immediately to the left of the door. There should be granola bars and some instant noodles.  We can use the microwave to heat them up."  James nodded his understanding as he disappeared into the room.

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