Heart of Shadows

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Naruto or Wanted.


I was on a mission to assassinate someone. Yeah, I'm an assassin. Anyways I was supposed to kill a famous celebrity named Miley Cyrus. Apparently she was also Hannah Montana. Some woman gave me this request because Miley was high when her daughter asked for an autograph. Since Miley was high at the time she beat the little girl into a coma.

And here we are. I prepared my sniper rifle which I nicknamed Oblivion. After I cocked the rifle, I contacted H.Q. to have a helicopter when I needed to escape. Miley was singing "Best of Both Worlds" as I prepared to shoot her.

It was a shame really. So much potential within that girl and she wastes it on drugs. Little girls look up to her. But I'm getting off point. I heard my helicopter for the escape. So I slowed my breath and...(You get the best of both wor-) I pulled the trigger.

Chaos. Just chaos. Miley died. Blood and brain splattered the crowd. Everone was running either crying, yelling, or calling the cops. All except one. The woman who assigned me this mission. She smiled and mouthed 'Thank you' before she ran off to the hospital to see her daughter. I ran to the helicopter as the cops ran in the building. Using the training of the Organization, I ran up the ladder leading to the roof without hands. Not as impossible as you think. I jumped off the roof and caught the rope that was thrown to me. I swiftly turned around and used my handgun which I nicknamed Oathkeeper. I angled it to kill all three cops with one bullet. Then I climbed up in the helicopter. My friend Axel looked disgruntled.

"What's wrong man?" I asked.

He replied, "You get all the cool missions while I only kill cheating husbands and someone's boss."

"It's just 'cause I'm that awesome." I said.

"Ice cream?" I asked.

"Sure, but it's on you!"

"Whatever." I replied. We reached H.Q. and I went to report to Xemnas as I saw Xion.

"Roxas, hurry Xemnas has something to show us."

"Okay." I said.

Axel heard what she said and followed. When we reached the Meeting Room we sat down in our respective seats.

"Friends, I have made a great breakthrough with my confidant Saïx. We have created a machine that can take us beyond this world!"

Gasps of shock, and snorts of disbelief echoed through the room. I remained silent to listen to what our leader had to say and to show us.

He pulled out an object that looked like a donut. Just five times bigger.

"I have already used it and it works! And now you all get sucked in!" he cackled.

"What are you doing!" screamed Saïx.

"Killing you! You have become to powerful now die!"

He turned on the switch and it started to swirl. Electricity sparked from it. As all in the room felt a pull.

"Bastard!" I yelled.

The the object imploded and caused a tear in time and space.

"This wasn't supposed to happen." Xemnas said in fear.

The electricity started to go everywhere then it must of hit somthing explosive because as I was sucked in the spatial tear, I saw everyone was consumed by the fire. And the next thing I knew was...darkness.

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