The Chunin Exams!-Part 5

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Naruto.

All was quiet within the stadium. All eyes were on the blood splatters. Gaara walked up to his siblings ignoring the looks of hate and fear pointed at him. The Hokage stood up and spoke with a somber voice, "Thus is the life of a shinobi. We are ninjas. We lie. We cheat. We steal. We kill. Choji Akamichi will be missed but he did his duty as a proud member of Konohagakure." He then sat down. The Akamichi family were in tears. Many had to be restrained from attacking both Gaara and Asuma.

The proctor knowing that it was time to continue said, "TenTen vs. Temari of the Sand, please come down."

With both of them in the arena the proctor yelled, "Begin!"

TenTen was unable to look away from the bloody remains of a Konoha ninja. Temari took this as an opportunity to attack. She blasted TenTen into the wall on the arena, smirking at an easy win.

"Some kunoichi you are. Afraid of a little blood? Pathetic."

This only severed to make TenTen angry.

"Oh yeah!? Well take this!" She then launched her seemingly infinite amount of weapons at the Sand ninjas. But this proved to be ineffective due to Temari being a wind user.

"Is this all you have?"

"No way..." Said a shocked TenTen, "I never miss..."

"I'm a wind user obviously." Temari mocked.

"That's it! Twin Rising Dragons!" TenTen then launched a barrage of weapons at Temari at high speeds but they were no match for...

"Sickle Weasel Jutsu!" The weapons were strewn across the stadium as TenTen was launched into the air. As she fell Temari positioned her fan right under her.

CRACK! "Ahhhh!" The sound of the spine snapping echoed and quickly after followed a scream of pain. Temari then knocked her of the fan onto the floor impaling TenTen with her own weapons. With TenTen bleeding and in pain the proctor called the match, declaring Temari the winner and called for the medics.

Lee glared at Temari for mortally wounding his teammate. Even though he knew he could do nothing about it. Neji only grunted at the display wishing to do the same to a certain main branch member.

"She was fated to lose." This comment only earned him glares from his team.

"Sai vs. Rock Lee!"

"Yosh! It is time to show my flames of youth!"

"Go forth, my youthful student!" Gai cries with tears coming out of his eyes.





The proctor finally had enough. "Today please?"

Lee sheepishly rubs the back of his head. "Ah yes. Sorry."

With both contenders in the arena the match began.

"Lets fight youthless."

"You dare call me youthless!" And with that Lee dashed at his opponent in hope of ending the match as quickly as possible. Sai just dodged the attack with a duck and tripped Lee stabing him in the leg with his ninjato. Lee cried out in pain but punched Sai in the face throwing him into the wall, knocking him out. Lee's victory was short-lived when Sai exploded in ink.


"Give up. You're dead." Sai said from behind him with his weapon at Lee's throat.

"I...give up." Lee eventually said.

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