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Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or Naruto.

It was a beautiful morning. Everyone was excited for the Chunin Exams, save a few. But then, everything went straight to hell.


All right. We have a month to trai-"

"My clan will be training me over the course of the month."

"But I thought that..."

"No, they realize my strength and consider me a proper heiress now."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She walked away. The rest of my team looked at me, sharing the same thought, 'What the hell happened to her?'

"Well, I'll be training you during the month. But first I need to speak to Gaara.

*One month later*(Skipping to the fights)

First Match: Shino Aburame VS Kankuro of the Sand

Kankuro yelled out,"I forfeit!"

"Winner is Shino Aburame!"

Shino frowned since he was not able to prove himself.

Second Match: Anko Mitarashi VS Sai

"Get ready to lose!" Anko said confidently.

Sai remained silent.


Sai quickly drew two ink lions to fight Anko. With quick thinking she destroyed them with an explosive kunai.

Sai only drew more and Anko was running out of weapons. After she killed the last ink creature, she pounced on Sai, knocking him to the ground. She then held a kunai on Sai's throat.

"" she said gasping for air. Sai then exploded into ink. Due to her surprise the real Sai was able to knock her unconscious.

"" Sai repeats. He then passes out from a snake bite. The snake transforms into Anko.

"Nice try ink boy, but"

"Winner is Anko Mitarashi!"

Third Match: Haku Yuki VS Temari of the Sand


Haku started the fight with ice senbon and threw them at Temari. But they were deflected by Temari's fan.

"Did you really think that would work?" Temari smirked. "Sickle Weasel Technique!" Haku was sent into the air enveloped by a gale of wind with invisible blades cutting her. Despite the pain she's in, Haku performed a jutsu.

"Ice Release: Icicle Swallow!" Several ice needles were launched at the wind user, pinning her to the floor. Haku descended with a kunai ready and pointed it at Temari's throat.

"I forfeit." Temari speaks.

"Winner is Haku Yuki!"

Fourth Match: Gaara of the Sand VS Dosu Kinuta

Gaara nodded my way and I nodded back.


"Please forfeit the match. You are only a pawn for the snake."

Dosu quickly got upset. "I'm no pawn. I am not a pawn! I'll prove it by taking you down!" He ran at the redhead.

Gaara shook his head. "I will make this quick. Piercing Sand!" The sand from Gaara's gourd pierced Dosu through the chest ending the match.

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